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The 20 Line Challenge / Ripples 'n' Lights!

The Darthster
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 18:10
I think this adheres to the rules. I've tried to stuff as much as I can into the 20 lines, so users with slower computers may experience problems. Oh, and there's no external media so you can just copy, paste and enjoy! Click to create ripples on the surface.

I'm going on the principle that if..else..endif, and do..loop are all one command each. It's for dbpro, since db can't hack the massive long line I put in the middle. If you break it down and substitute some variables it should work in db.

Tell me what you think. I get 62fps.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 20:40
'#100007: Variable " name is not valid at line 16.'

That's what I get...
D Man
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 20:58
Here's the fixed code.

"If you can't make it good
make it look good."
Bill Gates
The Darthster
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 00:18
That's not right...

It's removed the '>' and '<' symbols. Damn. I'll try removing the code tags...

sync on:hide mouse:randomize timer():cls rgb(255,255,255):get image 1,0,0,1,1
create bitmap 1,640,480:set current bitmap 1:for i=1 to 100:ink rgb(255,255,255),0:dot int(rnd(640)),int(rnd(480))
ink rgb(100,100,100),0:dot int(rnd(640)),int(rnd(480)):next i:get image 2,0,0,640,480:set current bitmap 0:make object plain 2,3000,2000
position object 2,500,0,1050:texture object 2,2:set object 2,1,0,1,0,0:make matrix 1,1000,1000,20,20:prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
fill matrix 1,0,1:make object sphere 1,20:position camera 500,400,-200:point camera 500,0,500:ballposx#=500
ballposz#=500:dim ripple(2,4):dim light#(3,7):hide light 0:set ambient light 20
for i=1 to 3:make light i:light#(i,1)=int(rnd(1000)):light#(i,2)=int(rnd(1000)):light#(i,3)=int(rnd(16))/4
light#(i,4)=int(rnd(16))/4:light#(i,5)=int(rnd(16))/4:next i:do:lighta#=wrapvalue(lighta#+0.1)
for i=1 to 3:if light#(i,1)<500:light#(i,6)=light#(i,6)+1:endif:if light#(i,1)>500:light#(i,6)=light#(i,6)-1:endif
if light#(i,2)<500:light#(i,7)=light#(i,7)+1:endif:if light#(i,2)>500:light#(i,7)=light#(i,7)-1:endif:light#(i,1)=light#(i,1)+light#(i,6)
light#(i,2)=light#(i,2)+light#(i,7):set point light i,light#(i,1),200,light#(i,2):color light i,rgb(abs(sin(wrapvalue(lighta#*light#(i,3)))+1)*127,abs(sin(wrapvalue(lighta#*light#(i,4)))+1)*127,abs(sin(wrapvalue(lighta#*light#(i,5)))+1)*127):next i:if mouseclick()=1 and clicked=0:clicked=1
if ripple(1,4)=0:ripple(1,1)=ballposx#:ripple(1,2)=ballposz#:ripple(1,3)=0:ripple(1,4)=1:else
if ripple(2,4)=0:ripple(2,1)=ballposx#:ripple(2,2)=ballposz#:ripple(2,3)=0:ripple(2,4)=1:endif:endif:endif
if mouseclick()=0:clicked=0:endif:scroll object texture 2,0,0.001:for k=1 to 2
if ripple(k,4)<=150 and ripple(k,4)>0:ripple(k,3)=wrapvalue(ripple(k,3)-5):ripple(k,4)=ripple(k,4)+1:if ripple(k,4)=151:ripple(k,4)=0:endif:endif:next k
for i=0 to 20:for j=0 to 20:for k=1 to 2:if (sqrt((((i*(1000/20))-ripple(k,1))^2)+(((j*(1000/20))-ripple(k,2))^2)))<(ripple(k,4)*5) and (sqrt((((i*(1000/20))-ripple(k,1))^2)+(((j*(1000/20))-ripple(k,2))^2)))>(ripple(k,4)*5)-540:height#=height#+sin(2*(ripple(k,3)+sqrt((((i*(1000/20))-ripple(k,1))^2)+(((j*(1000/20))-ripple(k,2))^2))))*((150-ripple(k,4))/5):endif
next k:set matrix height 1,i,j,height#:height#=0:next j:next i:update matrix 1:ballposx#=ballposx#+mousemovex():ballposz#=ballposz#-mousemovey()
if ballposx#<0:ballposx#=0:endif:if ballposx#>1000:ballposx#=1000:endif:position object 1,ballposx#,50,ballposz#
if ballposz#<0:ballposz#=0:endif:if ballposz#>1000:ballposz#=1000:endif:sync
sync rate 60:text 0,440,"The Darthster's ripples 'n' lights! Fps:"+str$(screen fps()):loop
The Darthster
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 00:22

The Darthster
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 00:29
Still doesn't work! The code that isn't in code tags will work, but the code in code tags doesn't. Hmm... One more time:

The Darthster
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 00:32
Yeah! It works!! Could the moderator please delete this topic, since I've started up a new one with code that works.

Thanks for the edit D Man, but you just appear to have replaced some of the '<'s with '*'s, so the overall effect is different to intended.
D Man
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 13:54
I like it!

"If you can't make it good
make it look good."
Bill Gates
The Darthster
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 23:07
At least someone does! Thanks for the comment.

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