well basically there was a flag in the courtyard ... and thats basically how you knew where the wind was comming from - and i later added a scarf to the player just to know exactly (that was after she finally told me that it could smell where my player was lol)
you had 5 dogs within the courtyard itself, plus 2 more dogs with 2guys patrolling... the thought behind it was "hey why don't we make an MGS clone for the PC" - the Ai was pretty intensive, i required a P3-400 | 32Mb Ram | 16Mb Direct3D Card
i worked on the graphics for it, making the models and the compound - i knew roughly where everything was ... but still the dogs were bloody intelligent buggers. She was gonna go onto enhancing the peoples intelligence - the aim was to have a base with a realistic number of personel of like 40 people + 10 animals, and everyone would tinker about thier daily tasks.
it was a good idea, and the demo we finished as a tech test got noticed by a few mates and shortly afterwards she got a contract to work for Epic Software
i'm not actually sure where she works right now, i think she's living mostly off what i offered her for Space Hulk (which certainly wasn't cheap) ... but the Ai in that, is enough to scare the living crap out of you.
But i reckon it wouldn't take much to recreate our MGS attempt
would be a cool test
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?