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Program Announcements / ZPhysics V1.0

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Posted: 8th Jan 2006 00:31 Edited at: 9th Jan 2006 18:01

I have been working on my own physics functions recently, it's like a plugin instead it's been made in DBPro code.

There are almost 60 functions, I wont bother explaining them, because soon I will make some help files.

Basically, it's not like any common physics wrappers, and certainly no competitor to ODE and Newton, but it's good for just momentum physics, which means you can make really convincing physics in your racing game in just a few lines, or make them very complex.

Please note that this does not work with weight transfer yet, so there will be no flipping over of the car or anything.

All the functions will be put into a dba file which you can include.

How to install:
Download the plugin (attached). Put the ZPhysics.dba file in your project folder. Put the ZPhysics.ini keywods file in Editor>Keywords. (Not necesarry)

And that's pretty much it.

A little demo that caused me to win the DBPro coding challenges using my plugin:

DBPro, No media.

Tell me if you have any problems with it and I shall try to sort them out

Good day to you all...


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Posted: 8th Jan 2006 00:38
Phat Diggidy Dog! erm... Great work Zoto! You da man! You da main man!
I mean really, this is great car physics!
Freddy 007
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Posted: 8th Jan 2006 17:42
Quote: "Download the plugin (attached)"

Attached to what?

I can't be fired... Slaves are SOLD!
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Posted: 9th Jan 2006 18:01 Edited at: 9th Jan 2006 18:02
Did I forget to attach it? I'll edit it.


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Posted: 2nd Feb 2006 17:34 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2006 17:35
Looks like this was mentioned in the newsletter, and what good comments it had indeed

Quote: "
ZPhysics v1.0
Wow! This is some major coding achievement. Zotoaster has released version 1 of his physics library for DBPro. This isn't a DLL though, it's a set of functions so you can just include the dba file in your source and use it! There is even a keywords file supplied. Some very clever stuff here, well worth looking at.

Thanks Rich

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2006 17:25 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2006 17:31
We would sure love some source code using your ZPhysics functions, even if it's just test code. Anything you have would be much appreciated!

It would be great to see it in action, it's ALWAYS easier to understand something new like this when there are source examples of its usage to learn from.

I just re-read your first post, I will go check the coding challenges thread. (we will still accept any more source code you might have that uses ZPysics)

I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but thanks for offering your hard work to the rest of us!


Maybe....Starting a ZPysics thread where users can submit their own source code using ZPhysics, some clever and interesting demos might emerge.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 18:50
Not a bad idea about that thread, but maybe once I have some simple collision functions setup then yeah, I'll give it a go

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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 23:26
I have been adding more commands to this. They don't really do anything apart from make the life of the user much easier, i.e. rather than having to remember the names of the arrays, I have added commands that just return the values of the arrays in the function,


Should return the angular acceleration round the X axis.

Better than having to remember things like AngAccX()#

There are now a total of 102 commands.

Very simple code too:

Things like that... and here's the functions:

And the keywords file is attached.

Happy coding


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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 23:57
Hoora, just realised that it doesn't work, I should have tested it before, it's the ones that go straight from calling the function to ending it, I will fix it and repost.

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