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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Fairy Tale (with screenshots)

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Posted: 8th Jan 2006 03:39
I'm currently in pre-production right now for a game I'm doing called Fairy Tale. Originally it was written as a movie script, but because things I wanted to do cost way to much money, I figured it would be an excellent story to adapt to the game world. What will set this game apart from many others is the cinematics will be actually filmed and characters modelled into the game. Locations will also be modeled after their real life counter parts so that the game will transition to cinematics smoothly.

I'm deeply involved in stunt work, and becuase there is no melee combat in FPSC you will be watching in cut scenes. We've got some pretty good stuff lined up for this game.

If you are intersted in helping drop me a line; I'm going to need help with all kinds of models (like garbage cans in the street, street lines and signs, weapons, that kind of thing).

The script is 45 pages long, and I'm planning on lengthening it a bit more to take advantage of the FPS game style.

I don't want to give you too much about the story; needless to say I wrote it as if it were a modern day myth. The story is full of diverse characters, and many twists and turns.

The script was written to be branch into a trilogy if the opprotunity was given, so as long as this game does well we'll consider making the next two.


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Posted: 8th Jan 2006 20:51
Lookin forward!
Screenie doesn't say anything though...

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Posted: 8th Jan 2006 22:21
I was just about to jump and go someones not made a shooter at of this engine, but i sit back down adn go abck to my work

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 8th Jan 2006 22:52
As soon as I can afford an actual copy of the game you guys will get a demo relatively soon. What I'm planning on doing with the demo is making it a teaser level with a teaser movie that will be a part of the games story line but not involved in it. Like a mini prequel kind of thing to set up characters.

Yea, sorry about the screen shot its from the demo so i wasnt able to do too much.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2006 03:00
Heres another one. I guess with the demo the lighting doesn't work But you still get to see some of the custom textures


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Posted: 10th Jan 2006 06:44
Nice screenie!

Intel Pentium 4 Processor 519 3.06 Ghz, 1536 MB DDR, Ati Radeon 9550 256MB
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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 08:41
Here we go. That screenie sucked haha sorry. This one looks much better.


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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 19:57
No it doesnt, its so dark you cant see anything.

RAAAAH! I have finally ordered FPSC and Model pack 1!
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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 19:59
Tell me about it! I can't wait to actually buy the program!!
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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 21:05
Tell you about what?

RAAAAH! I have finally ordered FPSC and Model pack 1!
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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 21:07
It's too dark because I can't manipulate light in the demo.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 23:02
yeah the game will suit peeps with nightvision goggles
Nue B
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Posted: 12th Jan 2006 02:49

You can manipulate lights in the demo.

Placing the static wall lights wont light the room. You have to place a dynamic light marker near the wall lights. Make sure you set the Marker to DYNAMIC or they wont work and you'll get an error message. also change the range of the lights using the [ key to min. and the ] key to max.

Nice screenies!
and hurry up and buy the full version. I want to see the finished game. ; )

Nue B. or not Nue B. That is the question.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2006 03:04
Thank you! Does this look a bit better?


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Les Horribres
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Posted: 12th Jan 2006 04:52
The demo can be unlocked to be the full version...
But I have said too much.

Also, use the [ ] to make the light better size, smaller lights = cool shadows.

Merranvo, The Cool One

Anti-Noob Justice League, an ANJL of Mercy.
Shadows Back
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Posted: 12th Jan 2006 07:00 Edited at: 12th Jan 2006 07:01

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Posted: 13th Jan 2006 00:42 Edited at: 13th Jan 2006 00:43
Finally! Someones actually making a game with fairies/mythological stuff in the modern world!I want really want to play this or see a demo,and Merranvo I think youv'e let your tongue slip a bit there (by the way, no, I'm not being sarcastic )Your design sounds cool,I want to see how it will work.

Although my opinion will change, the fact that I am right will not.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2006 04:29
Well its not fairies per say, it's a fairy tale in a very dark sense. Think Through the looking glass meets the Bourne Identity.

I'll give you guys the bare bones story. Pretty much its about a man who believes his brother dies and moves away. A year later he discovers his brother is still alive and goes home to find him. When he gets back he unravels a huge conspiracy.

Actually, I'm going to need help with this. Casting is going to start soon, and I was doing research on the character shop and stuff, but didn't find much. I need to know if A.) there is a really simple model program that I can use to map the characters faces in or B.) someone would like to help me do it.
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 05:59
Alright guys! Heres the latest update. The script is now being critiqued in its final draft!

Several of the cast members have already been chosen.

The script was modified with game levels in mind, so they are set now and we're beginning to lay out the level plans.

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