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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Tanner Productions presents...(2 games)

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 21:11 Edited at: 11th Jan 2006 21:27
After many, many tests of scripts, physics and AI, i thought to myself:
"Now is the a game, i will"

Don't worry, this isn't going to be another pointless storyline thread.

I actually came up with 2 game ideas so i've decided to make them both:

Game 1: Sci-fi War Game
This is my main project, as the title says, it's a sci-fi shooter set about 100-200 years from now. I wrote a prologue, it goes like this:
"The year 2151AD saw a remarkable historical event that would shake all of the human race as they came face to face with an alien species. These alien, bared resemblance to the Earthling but were fastly more advanced with technology undreamt of by humans. They were known as the Hargenians (Har-jen-e-ans) and for a while sought peace with the mankind. For almost a year, they studied our civilisation as we tried our best to learn from their's.

However, the peace we short-lived, suddenly the Hargs (nickname) arrived in greater number and invaded Earth. Luckily, the Earth forces were able to repel them from the ground but with armadas of advanced spaceships in Earths outer atmosphere, the Hargs are well and truly unmovable. This is where you come in..."

You are Marc Brant, a private recently attached to the USC's (United Sapce Core's) leading tactical squad. Previously stationed on Earth, your bravary and skill have given a reputation...and a place the group, Centaur Squad.

The Game takes you from Earth's outer-atmosphere to the planet of Hargenia; from the dark mines in the north to the Harg capital in a two mile deep canyon.

I've planned out all of the 30 levels and have begun construction already. I've attached a pic of something i'm working on at the moment, a nice big room. You'll notice there are no guns or enemies, this is because they'll all be custom models and i haven't started them yet (+ i haven't got the concept art yet). I'm gonna sell this game but i'm not sure for how much.

Game 2: WWII Shooter
Incase i get fed up with making sci-fi levels, i can take a break and do this:
This idea is more recent and the game, i've decided will be free
You play a paratrooper who's plane crashes behing enemy lines, killing all onboard...except you. You have to find you way back to the Allied forces. Along the way, you'll meet resistance members who'll give you hints, clues and objectives. That's about all i've got for now.

Long post i know but i can get carried away...

EDIT: Whoops forgot the pic


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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 21:19
Quote: "Don't worry, this isn't going to be another pointless storyline thread."

umm....its not?...then where are the screenshots? the videos? any demo?


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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 21:47
Can't say much without seeing something more, but that screenshot looks amazing.

Keep us posted mate, that certainly looks high-quality.


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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 21:55 Edited at: 11th Jan 2006 21:55
I made this:

Hargenia from space

P.S: Atmosphere is blue, therefore ocean is blue


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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 22:04
Mate, one thing. It is crucial that you work on one project at a time. I know it sounds like mambo-jambo talk, but it really isn't. Your production time and your ratio effort/motivation is completely diferent if you have more than one thing to focus on.

Planet looks great!

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Posted: 13th Jan 2006 03:47
ya, that does look good...

i would like to see that planet on a skybox.

Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 13th Jan 2006 05:38
I salute you Avenging Eagle i can actually say this honestly i want to play your game

The funky fresh is back in the flesh with vengence homes!
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 13th Jan 2006 08:28
@ BULLSHOCK 2; That is a test of the surface-map. The "real" version will have an asteroid belt and a couple of moons, you'll be able to see those in the skyboxs from the planets surface.

@ Bloodeath: Thank you very much, i wasn't sure if it would go down well but it looks like i'm getting alot of positive feedback.

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 14th Jan 2006 22:11
I've started making this C-47 for the WWII game while i wait for concept art for the sci-fi game (can't proceed without it).



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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 15th Jan 2006 19:58
I managed to get this landscape into FPSC, it will be the first level (don't worry it will be bigger). A few problems with the trees but nevermind.

what do you think?


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Posted: 15th Jan 2006 22:02
Ah! Nice, Avenging Eagle .

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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 00:52
how is everyone making such good terrains like that!nice job

"In peace sons bury thier fathers, in war fathers bury their sons" - Winston Churchill(i think). "don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!"
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 09:06
If you've ever seen a thread with a name like "How do i make 3D models", i'll have generally posted my favourite: Anim8or.

I make all my models, segments (Yes actual new wall; i made an archway), entities and terrain in anim8or...

...actually that's a lie; the terrain is generated in an add-on for anim8or, a sort of plug-in called "Terranim8or". Its main function is a automatically generate terrain using values such as heigh, levels and step. This usually works well if i keep the poly-count down.

That said, Terranim8or has a load of other features ad allow me the add particle trails (good for smoke), starfields, camera shake etc.

I'm on the laptop at the moment but tonight, i'l post some screenshots of my opening cut-scene i've been working on. I'm having difficulties getting a good screen recorder; i've tried and test frps an screen recorder gold but they record at 1fps (even when you change it to 30fps).
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 20:09 Edited at: 27th Jan 2006 20:10
Here, have a screenie of part of the opening cut-scene for the paratrooper game:

"Blanc Point: A Paratrooper Story"



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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 20:19

Mutant game in progress...
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 28th Jan 2006 19:48
Here's another one of the same sequence so hot out of rendering i burnt my hands attaching it .



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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 05:08 Edited at: 1st Feb 2006 05:11
Nice! A cutscene!

(oh BTW, its spelled BLANK point not "blanc" point )

Honestly, I want to play BOTH games they look so cool!!

What program did you use to make the cutscene?

I have Carrara3DBasics, but i have NO IDEA how to use it...if anyone else has it can someone help me? I want to make cutscenes for my game too.
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 09:22
btw "blanc" is french for white

White point or white summit
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 16:34
Lovly Graphics

BattleField 1500 Coming Out April 2006


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