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2D All the way! / Slow down when using ink and text size commands

Happy Mongoose
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Posted: 7th Mar 2003 21:29
I've noticed my program slows down massively when I use the ink or text size commands. My code drops from 60fps down to 9fps.

I can understand changing text size might affect performance, but simply changing ink can't drain that many system resources!

Even odder, I suspect where I place my ink commands are playing a part.

My code is basic 2D, using just sprites, images and text.

Anyone heard of this before?
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Posted: 21st Mar 2003 15:16
Im having a simular problem the frame rate just goes through the floor dont know why yet I'll let you know when I find out.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2003 15:21
whilst reading someone elses post I had this idea.
If you know what text is going to shown then put all of your texts into images at the begining of the game and then just load the appropriate image into a sprite or paste onto a bitmap as you need it.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2003 16:04
yup worked for me does create a loading time at the start of the game at least the fps is kept consistent.
Happy Mongoose
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Posted: 25th Mar 2003 21:31
Only problem is, I'm using the font to print out the score and other details that change over time. I could paste the entire font into a bitmap and print segments of it onto the screen, but it seems like a lot of effort! I was just wondering if anyone else had encountered this, and if there was an easy fix. Perhaps Patch 4 will fix everything for me.

Mongoose lives in hope.

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Posted: 25th Mar 2003 22:30
Even so you could but a the score on a bitmap, get the image from that bitmap then put the image onto a sprite a least the frame rate would only be slow for a split second.
Happy Mongoose
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Posted: 26th Mar 2003 22:03

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