Hmm, well considering your "day job", creating your FPS Pack App, site maintenance and your legal endeavors against merrvano, I'm guessing you don't have time to create your own site art...even if you had the talent/ability to do so.
Here's where it gets interesting...there are only two possibilities left:
1. You have hired an artist to do your site art. If so, who is it?
2. You've ripped the artwork from a game/site/book/etc and are using intellectual property illegally.
Do you want me to "guess" which of those it is too?
I mean, I can't imagine a person of your integrity stealing intellectual property. After all, one of the premises of your FPS Pack is to "protect" the content of people's games. Then again, we're talking about the same person who has no qualms about putting RSS feeds directly from sites that deal in piracy.
I'm so confused.
"Trust no one" --Deepthroat (X-Files)