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3 Dimensional Chat / Help with 3d model makers

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Joined: 7th Mar 2003
Posted: 8th Mar 2003 03:52
i've tried all the 3d model creators in the world (yes, including 3d wings and JTEdit) but i still can't figure out how to work them! i mean, i can put a cube down, but a =ll the boolean operations totally elude me. the closest i've gotten is making a lathed vase !yay! but thats it. I just don't get it! is there an easy (easier) 3d modeler, it doesn't have to have animation, with tutorials, or maybe a site with tutorials or an EXTENSIVE help file, since anything else seems to elude me. I'm kind of new at 3d stuff, so all the jargon really blows me away.

Never underestimate a large group of noobs, we will take over...
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? Because pink racoons can't go faster than 83 miles-per-second.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2003 04:59
i've tried all the 3d model creators in the world
***sure u have mate.

(yes, including 3d wings and JTEdit) but i still can't figure out how to work them!
***It takes more than a few minutes to master 3d modelling, skinning and animation.

i mean, i can put a cube down, but a =ll the boolean operations totally elude me.

***not all programs have boolean subtraction and addition
the process is easy enough by selecting the start object and the target object.

the closest i've gotten is making a lathed vase !yay! but thats it.

***thats a good start!

I just don't get it! is there an easy (easier) 3d modeler, it doesn't have to have animation, with tutorials, or maybe a site with tutorials or an EXTENSIVE help file, since anything else seems to elude me.

most applications have a plethora of tutorials crossed over ppls sites online.
use to find the tutes.

I'm kind of new at 3d stuff, so all the jargon really blows me away.

** the jargon changes between applications and some ppl are addament about what to call it.
what ever floats your boat to achieve the result will be fine.

did u give 3dcanvas a go or better yet try milkshape,

If u want a cheap nasty object composer get DOGA.

this is one aspect the modelling or composition of modelling.

u have skinning and 3d animation to look out for after u master the first process.

use lithium unwrapper or a good 3d app with UV wrapping tools.

I hear character FX is great for animating but I think its also good in 3dcanvas and in milkshape.

If u havent purchased DBP yet u can get a free liscence for characterFX from the RGT forums as a special offer guys is making this month.

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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 03:08
Hey thanks man, i'll give 3d canvas a try.
By the way, i was exaggerating when i said all the creators in the world. i havent even attempted animation, ant the 3d lathed vase was part of a tutorial. but thanks, you've been a big help.

Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? Because pink racoons can't go faster than 83 miles-per-second.
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Joined: 7th Mar 2003
Posted: 15th Mar 2003 05:41
And also, how do you convert the scene files to 3d models? thats what i'm going for.
by the way, i'm very good at lathing...heh
[img]C:\Documents and Settings\Zach\My Documents\3DCanvas6\fountain.bmp[/img]

Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? Because pink racoons can't go faster than 83 miles-per-second.
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Joined: 7th Mar 2003
Posted: 15th Mar 2003 06:23

Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? Because pink racoons can't go faster than 83 miles-per-second.

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