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Program Announcements / Ausukusa Game Development Team ~ "Project One" Demo

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Posted: 18th Jan 2006 23:18
There is still a lot of work to be done, but I'd love some feedback on v0.0.6

PLEASE read the readme file, that's what it's there for

goto just kidding.... just click this hypertext thingy and you can play demo version 0.0.6 or watch demo version 0.0.5

If anyone is interested, this program is just under 3500 lines of code in DBP.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 11:16
hi pheonixx,

it has the makings of a really good game, but the most i got out of it was 20fps on my dev machine the framerate actually dropped to 14FPS a couple of times, Is the framerate capped? spec is an athlon 64 3000, 1.5Gb DDR400 CL2 with a radeon x800pro 256mb.

on the gaming rig with 939 amd64-36000+, 2G dual channel DDR400 and dual x850's with combined 512mb GDDR2 the framerate was actually no better, highly confuzed.

still, it looks like it could be a groovy game, but i dont fancy having to shell out for a Dell Renegade quad gpu system to play it at a decent framerate.

what version of DBP was this compiled with?

thanks, grant.

Ohd Chinese Ploverb say : Wise Eskimo, not eat yerrow snow.
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 16:11 Edited at: 19th Jan 2006 16:26
Downloading...should be good, since you've been quiet for so long.


Well, runs at 11FPS on my 2.6ghz, Radeon 9600, 768RAM system.

Music seems to play only once then stop.

I would also like the tank to gain speed/momentum when I move rather than going from 0 to 1 like that. Gravity is abit wierd, as I rode off an edge, and the tank gently glided down to the ground.

Guess most of my discomfort came from the sloppy FPS, as the bullets, movement all seemed slow and sluggish.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 20:17
Thank you for the feedback.

Unfortunately I'm a little shy on cash right now, so I had to cap the framerate off at 20fps, I'm sure there are better methods of timing control, but it was a quick fix for my situation. I'm programming on a 64mg shared ram video card in an old laptop, so my development computer can only run between 2 and 15 fps depending on what the game is doing. My main computer can hold a steady 16 fps but it is also no where near a prime computer system.

There are two major functions that are chopping up the fps, primarily the yfind() and the ai().

I can't find any way around the yfind() being run 5 times a cycle per tank in order to provide the tank tilting and object collision checks... Tanks center and 4 corners basically being tested against 4 different data arrays for the ground matrix, buildings, roads, and ground tiles. The collision system is all manual calculations using the coordinate system I designed for level designs, so it's really just internal math and pretty fast.

I'm trying to break the ai() down into smaller thinking steps, perhaps alternating the aquire# angle calculations between tank body, tank turret aim, and tank turret altitude, which will become even more bogged down when I tell the AI to start trying to find and pickup objects. Right now each AI I run tends to drop the fps by 5-10 on the development computer, I hope by breaking the function down into alternating cycles will retain the logics accuracy and challenge, without making the movements choppy.

Where the music is concerned, I usually disable the function call so I don't go brain numb hearing it over and over.. I'll fix it.

accelleration and deccelleration would be nice, I plan on putting that in down the road, but right now I have some core engine functionality to put in ahead of it, you will probably see it in version 0.1.0

The Gravity in the game is also manual... I forgot to change it from featherfall to real. However a lot of why it falls so slow is your low fps rate. Everything is based on 20fps, so if you're running 10fps, imagine everything running twice as fast.

versions.... I haven't updated in a while....
dbp version 5.8
ide version 109b
editor version

Thanks for playtesting guys.

As always, more to come.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 23:42 Edited at: 19th Jan 2006 23:42
little update on that speed issue...

I found a typo in the yfind() causing it to run over 500 itterations of the 'intercept object' command... multiply that by 5 checks per tank and you have one heck of an OOPS!!!

would it be stating the obvious to say that it runs faster now?

you'll see the fix in 0.0.7, which should be ready about mid February
Peter H
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Posted: 21st Jan 2006 00:43 Edited at: 21st Jan 2006 00:44
It looks really good, but i'm too scared to try it with those frame rates

Quote: "I'm sure there are better methods of timing control"

i would really recommend implementing some timing control now, before the end of the project, because it will take less time to do it now, instead of waiting until the end... (you might also want to backup your source before trying to perform such a major operation)

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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 00:54
I have been having some problems getting onto the DBP forum for the last few days...

When I built v0.0.5 I pretty much threw together a generic 500 line AI system for the tank combat.. glichy, gets stuck on walls, rather predictable... I didn't do much to it in v0.0.6... well v0.0.7 has been a massive upgrade in everything from real time modeling, to player factions, and a bit of work on texture mapping and some new models.

As far as the AI goes, I'm putting some of my best work into it for v0.0.7, and once the foundation is built, the playable demo around mid-february will include a capture the flag map. It wont be multiplayer yet, but the AI should serve as a formidable challenge to the system. I have also built an autopilot feature so people who have less then ample skill at controlling both the turret and the tank body can have a little AI assistance in either section by altering their player options.

so pretty much I have just a week or two left of AI programming and player death item spawns which are used to upgrade your tank considerably.

without further adu... I'd like to invite all of you to watch the v0.0.7 trailer... nothing too fancy yet, but a little more presentation work put into it.

as always.. your comments are appreciated.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 09:51
Good start but it is slow and need a better tank modle
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Posted: 28th Jan 2006 05:10
yo pheonixx i got 3 more years left bfore i can join the team again...i think

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Posted: 28th Jan 2006 16:38
good demo

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Posted: 31st Jan 2006 11:23
Version 0.0.7 is on time, but I figured I'd provide a little sneak peak into the work that's been done so far. This supplemental video trailer isn't exactly high quality, but it should give you a general idea of what the gameplay is shaping up to be. Granted the map is relatively flat, and the AI doesn't have strategy waypoints yet, so it's anything but unpredictable. I'm sure any of you can imagine what it looks like with a little more time put into the level editor

Please visit to view it. As always, your comments are welcome.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 11:24
I just wanted to bump my thread to let everyone know that v0.0.7 has been decided to not be made public, and instead wait until v0.0.8 with better graphic elements and user interface.

Here is a little screen shot of a building exploding, to hopefully keep the interest going. I hear a lot of comments about needing better models... If you can concept, model, and texture I'd love to hear from you, if not, don't waste my time with comments on material in pre-beta form, everything you see is essentially a placeholder until the engine is finished and I start dumping cash and time into the media elements. I hope to bring all of you an excellent game created in DBP.

Everything still looks good to go for the Winter 2006 deadline
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 17:28
Cheky your email.

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Posted: 16th Feb 2006 06:00 Edited at: 16th Feb 2006 06:05
I need some important design feedback on my game regarding speed issues. I have a basic benchmark setup with 16 - 600 polygon count tanks set to automatically fire down range. If I could get some volunteers to please download this test, run it, and post there results here it will help me to determine how much room I have left to play with more accurately.

When the program starts, select single player as you would for a normal game, do not leave the spawn marker and observe the FPS in the upper left hand corner of the screen as you look down range at the impact area (north), across to the buildings (north-east), and across the firing line (east). The mouse movement controls the turret so I will not go into depth on the other controls.

The statistics I am interested in are:

North Facing FPS:
NorthEast Facing FPS:
East Facing FPS:
Your CPU speed and if AMD or P4 etc:
Your RAM (do not include virtual ram):
Your Video RAM and card type:

Once you have collected the data, please feel free to play around with what's there, shoot some buildings, blow up enemy tanks, whatever... there's not much scripted in this demo except these benchmark requirements. Oh and if you go down range and get hit by non faction bullets, there is no respawn script activated

NOTE: If you decide to play around with the editor, make sure you do not exceed 1000 building skins. There is limited UI in the editor and as always, use at your own risk. The single player will select the first map file it finds in the maps folder, and whatever you save is automatically called NEWMAP. To start from scratch, just delete the NEWMAP folder from the MAPS folder or rename it something like ZZZ before opening the editor.

Here is a direct link to this benchmark test download:

The results of this test will directly effect whether or not my engine can handle 16 players at suitable speeds, as well as provide usefull target audience information.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2006 20:35 Edited at: 17th Feb 2006 20:36
North FPS: Around 96, but varies depending on cannon fire
Northeast FPS: Around 77, again, varies with cannon fire
East FPS: Around 78, see above.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Dual Core
512MB ATI Radeon X1800 XT on PCI Express

I'd probably get a much higher FPS if all those cannons weren't firing. On the title screen I get 590 FPS.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
1GB DDR-SDRAM (May increase to 2GB one day)
512MB ATI Radeon X1800 Series - Finally! A card that does pixel shaders correctly!
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Posted: 19th Feb 2006 17:59
Thank you for the report FoxBlitzz, One of my main concerns with having 16 players is that the number of possible bullets in play at any point in time could number up in the 300-400 range once I get things like the rockets and other weapondry coded in.

Your computer is one of the most powerful configurations on the market, and it is really cool to know that the game can run that fast.
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 6th Mar 2006 13:26 Edited at: 6th Mar 2006 13:26
Honestly? Still runs/plays like crap on mine.

The admiral
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Posted: 8th Mar 2006 05:14
Bullets dont need to be objects by the way.

The admiral
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Posted: 19th Mar 2006 02:41
Once I purchase a new dev computer i'll pick this project back up.

I'll be replacing the bullets with planes instead of spheres. I never could figure out how to make a sprite go between 3D objects, but I might look into that if I still can't get things to run fast enough.

I'm also going to be modifying the kaboom() because I just don't need to be drawing the building skins on buildings farther then 500 feet away from the player, a single textured box will do just fine.

Very dissappointed not many people have reply'd and/or even like the minigame so far, but in all fairness it's not even close to being finished.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2006 03:50
I played it a while ago. It was pretty neat, but it was kind of hard to aim at the enemies. I don't remember it much so I will try it again tomorrow.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2006 04:11
Thanks, but you should probably wait until I get up to version 0.0.9. I've got a metric ton of RL stuff to take care of before delving into P1 again. Should still be ready around Winter 2006 though
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Location: Somewhere along the Z axis...
Posted: 19th Mar 2006 05:11
North.......FPS 40-43
North East..FPS 30-32
East........FPS 33

CPU:AMD Athlon 4200+ 64 X2 Dual Core 2.2Ghz
1 Gig ddr ram
nVidia Integrated graphics 6100/256meg

Integrated graphics is not the best for game playing, but
still playable.

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