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DLL Talk / How I make my own DLL in notepad?

Jedi Lord
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 06:12
I don't have the money to buy the vistual basic C++ and something that cost. I really want to make a dll command that are so simple commands for example:

-Collision DLL
-Simple multiplayer DLL
-Process Bar
-1 to 100 value return while loading thing such as object or pic
-Anti-cheat command like 1 line and it will stop them from cheating
-Open some program and show up on the program your using
-A brand new level of rotate like 720 degree
-World-Wide Language Tranlate command

This will be my dream of programming if I have something like that .

Something like that and it can make a GREAT support to my program.

All I'm asking is some tutoral for notepad programming in DLL.

Please and Thank you,
By, Tylerdx

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Jedi Lord
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 13:58
Helllooooo..... knock knock... anyone there.....

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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 15:17
Use "Dev C++", works fine and its free.

PD: "vistual basic C++" not exists. Its Visual Basic or Visual C++
Jedi Lord
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 00:34
: / sorry about that .

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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 12:16
you are really messed up

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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 12:50
No sensible person would use Notepad to write a DLL. Besides, you would need some sort of compiler.

You could always download VS 2005 Express and use that.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 19:20
Yes VS 2005 Express is another like option.
Jedi Lord
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 20:48
:-( i just use Stinky Stoat's idea to make a DLL, but right now I am using Devcpp.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 22:03
Quote: "Helllooooo..... knock knock... anyone there....."

I don't think you are. No, really, I don't think you are.

Jedi Lord
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 03:46
Hooray I made my first Dll it will tell me how long will object will be finish loading because I did the math of time .

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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 03:09
Welcome to the wonderful world of DLL making!

You should consider a few things:

- As far as I know, DBPro doesn't support parameters by reference in a DLL call
- You should use the types defined in the DBPro Tutorial "Data Types," or the void type
- Place functions OUTSIDE of classes!
- If you want Visual C++, you can't use the .net version (the one currently available), but downgrading to VC++ 6 is optional
- Visual Basic and Visual C++ are NOT the same

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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 04:53

download the C++ version of that...

Jedi Lord
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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 05:51
thx people

Gnome that cast... AMAZING .

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