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DLL Talk / Does any one know if the BlueGUI plugin has died..??

The Fat Centurion
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 17:30
Hello All,

Does any one know if the brilliant plugin BlueGUI is dead.

I know you shouldnt take as gospel what you read in these forum but there has been a few threads where theres been mension it has stopped being worked on.

I do hope this is not true as i do love this plugin, it has its problems but so does DBP at the moment.

can anyone clear this up for me.

Thanks in advance...
Rob K
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 18:10
BlueGUI is still being developed, although I haven't released an update for a while. The next update is due in February.

If you are having problems with it, or find bugs, do post them on the Bug Report page on the BlueGUI website.

BlueGUI Windows Plugin
The Fat Centurion
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 18:15
Im so glad.

Thank you for your reply.

and I have sent several email to your site, no replys as yet

its your gmail addy theyve been sent to..

if theres another addy to email to could you post it here please.

Thanks again, as said i do love this plugin of your.
Rob K
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 18:54
Perhaps there is confusion with BlueIDE (the editor)? That is not being developed any longer - mainly because it is written in Visual Basic 6, which has some inherent limitations that are difficult to overcome (as well as the fact that it is not really suitable for writing large maintainable software in).

BlueGUI Windows Plugin
The Fat Centurion
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 19:05
im applying it now my friend,

Robert iv just checked my emails and noticed the reply, THANKYOU.

i have done as you said and it works, iv read that bit, i dont know how many times now and still didnt see it.

You mentioned in your email about putting a checkbox over the listbox gadget, i dont surpose you have a little tiny example of that do you, if not, no problems im happy with listview for now.

will see what you have for us in the next update/version, see if any extras have been added to help..

I see what you mean about BlueIDE but no both were mensioned thats why i thought i'd ask, sorry for the confusion...

again thank you for your replys both here and via emails
Space Fractal
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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 17:19
Yes I have used this too, but have some problems:

- When selecting using buttons, topmenus and moving the window, the program halt. I do not now it a Dark Basic issue. If a topmenu is over a 3D Camera window, the background dosen't paint, so you would allways see the first popup, wich isen't meant.

- BlueGUI is become slow, when Sync On are used (it take time before GetEvent is invoked).
Rob K
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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 06:39

For the first issue, that is just part of the way that Windows works. Moving a window or using a menu is by default a modal operation - it doesn't complete until you finish doing that.

For the second issue, if your program is running at a low frame rate (eg. 20FPS / second), then you will need to call getEvent more than once per loop - usually this means having a separate inner loop which processes all outstanding events before the rest of the code is executed.


BlueGUI Windows Plugin

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