yeah ... well until you actually have something to offer, you're not a company.
FMTau is only a real company because its predcessor was, as myself and Brent made CGR/FMVs commercially along with webserver application programming (no two guesses for who did what) - annoyingly alot of out money was spent on updating our products for the new clientel and eventually we called it quits on the buisness when we were making close to zero profit
but even after 6years, we're still kinda alive (more so than Amiga is anyways hehee)
right now there's three area's to it - Software Application Development - Game Development - Publisher
although publisher is still really an "setup" state, and alot of the technology within out Apps division is being used by a rival (well kinda, can't really be a rival with a mate
) company.
Games Development should be interesting over the comming months ... as personally i wanna go back to school and i want to get a degree in something (hopefully my friends will help me with this as i'm useless getting myself setup) - however before i do so i've made a promise to make sure that we release ATLEAST 1 sucessful game on any medium.
god but i've gotta update the site, get a new server for the site, sell my stateside apartment, buy a new one somewhat in the UK, etc... (the list is extensive)
but your point is very valid ... and its not a case of already having a beta done with software - you must have atleast ONE piece of software published before you can take on a company title, because its based on services render'd. And you've not actually rendered a service to anyone developing a technology demonstration
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?