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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / My screenshots from my zombie game

Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 19:42
Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 19:44
Some more:

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 19:57
These are sick!!!! Have you gotten the zombie and the other character in game yet? If you have, I WANNA SEE THEM!!!!

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 19:59

/.,.\-Meh? Everyone loves fat penguins!
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 20:34
WOW! Thats pretty nice! You gots to release a demo!

RAAAAH! I have finally ordered FPSC and Model pack 1!
Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 16:41
The zombie is one of about 20 different ones in the game. Most of the skins come from

Thanks for the comments. It's gonna take another few months to really tweak it out. Right now it runs slowly, unless you have a real high-end machine.
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 17:47 Edited at: 24th Jan 2006 17:55
ogrish a down right sick website nice game but please dont post links to websites such as ogrish

kids do visit this forum you know

by the way really impressed with the shots well done
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 18:01
What script do you use to your zombies?

RAAAAH! I have finally ordered FPSC and Model pack 1!
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 20:21
I hated ogrish. I didnt know what it was so I went to it once. It is f***ing sick. What kind of people would make a site about killing, torture, and sh*t like that. Oh well, this game is really lookin good. It is so much like resident evil!!!

I know Karate, Kung Fu, and 47 other dangerous words...

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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 20:35
Kick a$$ screenshots!

Have a good one! ^_^
Ali M =)
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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 10:55 Edited at: 25th Jan 2006 10:56
yeah mint screenies,the first 2 and the zombie one look like resident evil screenshots

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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 11:26
Great screens, also class idea on using ogrish as a texture source.
Keep up the good work.

Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 23:51
Thanks guys! Believe me - it was hard going to that site...especially when the wife snuck up behind me and I had to explain that I was working.

The game above is actually made along side a movie that I am currently producing of the same title. I figured I would throw the game on the DVD as an added bonus.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 21:02
A sadist... (No, IM not a sadist) lol

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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 22:48
Are the first few pictures in game shots?
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Posted: 30th Jan 2006 11:22
lol of course not, you can't make THAT to work with FPSC, too many polygons
DJ Professor K
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Posted: 30th Jan 2006 16:03

i love zombie games (thats why i'm making 1)

really nice textures, and OMFG, i love that "ALIVE INSIDE" XD

now this is a game i don't want to loose can't wait to try it

My love is seperated in 2 parts, 1 of them is 3ds Max 7, the other; FPSC.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 04:33
wow this looks TIGHT!!!!

the first few screenies made me immediatly think of Resident Evil.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 05:32
Aren't the first few screenshots from RE?
Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 21:11
Nope...not from RE.

The model has undergone some changes to make it work in fps. No hair (the hair took 65000 polys)...he now wears a hat. The face is less perfect also. Now this model works fine giving me about 20fps when he is on screen.
X Curse
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 23:36
Holy sh*t this game is goin to be awesome, and btw, im an Resident Evil fan, so this game will be tight.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2006 19:12
Two meaning...can't wait!

/.,.\-Meh? Everyone loves fat penguins!
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2006 20:16
Post more screenies!

A game like Black in progress...
Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 01:52
Sadly, the game cannot be developed with FPSC. There are just too many bugs and issues with FPSC to make the game. Error after error and bug after bug - FPSC is simply not working.

If a patch that fixes the bugs is issued in a timely manner, the game will be available free, packaged together with the movie of the same title.

My favourite screenshots which I cannot post include nude zombie strippers in a strip club.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 05:20
Nice work Mr Earp. creating models and media simply from the imagination and seeing them all come to life in front of you're eyes is the most rewarding part in making a game. Looks like you have it in spades.


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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 13:58
Quote: "Sadly, the game cannot be developed with FPSC. There are just too many bugs and issues with FPSC to make the game. Error after error and bug after bug - FPSC is simply not working."

indeed, and aren't those zombies to high poly? FPSC can't really deal with high poly entities (with animation)
Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 6th Feb 2006 18:10
Like I said early, I re-worked the models, but the models werent the problem. I was getting an OK framerate...I've encountered too many problems along the way, however, with all the other known and unknown bugs.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 16:04
But can you release some more screenies?

A game like Black in progress...
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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 02:54
were these made from DB?

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Davy B
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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 11:05
Wicked snapshots, when this the game come out?
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 18:12
POsitivly excellent...would you be willing to make that blood hand a community model? it rocks

Nunticaelitusphobia---im scuurrred of the internet
Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 18:27
It will come out *IF* The Game Creators release a patch in time so I can fix the bugs. I just got fed up wasting time on it, when there are obvious bugs.
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 19:19
lol i just need more decals i messed with decal maker and got a headache trying to get everything in order... i wish it was like signs 1.3...but if you do ever release your decals send me an email !

Nunticaelitusphobia---im scuurrred of the internet
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 23:35
HOLY... erm something, how did you make that run at 20fps, i mean, the normal is 26 or something, right, what are your computer specs, and what is the polycount.


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Posted: 19th Feb 2006 06:22
how did u do that. thats allmost like the doom3 teck

thanks 4 helping
Cal Man
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Posted: 23rd May 2006 05:27
I cant see anything exept: OOPS! the image link has been removed

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