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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Red Horizons - Modern Desert Warfare

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 20:45
Hey all, as I’ve been used to FPCS I have changed textures, imported models and started thinking about city urban environment maps and also wide open space battlefields. The thing I love about a fps is that close quarter combat matters, and as many people know in gulf war and Iraq war of 2003 there was a lot of close combat, as I want to create missions like Blackhawk down and 73 Easting, featuring US Forces, UK Forces, Iraq and Terrorist Network. I’ve got some shots to show you all also can anyone guide me to the “how to import weapons, objects etc from 3ds max guide“. I will appreciate it very well. I have many weapons, buildings and vehicles modelled and want to get them in game to create a Urban/Desert environment.

Iraq Oposition Force (Simple infrantry man) many differnt types (snipers, RPG, commnader etc wil appear soon)

US Coalition Force (Simple infrantry man) many differnt types (snipers, LAW, commnader etc wil appear soon)

Humvee retextured - 80% done

Thanks for reading

Oh by the way, if anyone is interested in joining myself on this project please email me at

I’m not requesting for anyone just saying if your interested I will be happy to work with you as partners/team mates.

Thanks again


- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 20:59
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2006 21:31
Yeah thats pretty neat!

RAAAAH! I have finally ordered FPSC and Model pack 1!
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 23:18
Good job on teh textures!

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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 15:40
By the do you change textures?

Mutant game in progress...
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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 17:05
Nice textures!
Keep up the good work...

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Acolyte Entertainment
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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 05:41
thats pretty cool Sysdevja

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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 06:12
looks great!

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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 07:54
awesomeness on the pics.


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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 08:30 Edited at: 26th Jan 2006 08:37
Looks great so far, keep up the good work.

Quote: "I want to create missions like Blackhawk down and 73 Easting, featuring US Forces, UK Forces, Iraq and Terrorist Network. "

The only suggestion I could make is that most of the Iraq opposition dresses in civilian clothes.
Rebels don't have money to waste on uniforms, and it makes it hard as hell to tell who the enemy is.
Unless you are like some of us, and say "there are no civilians in this war".
Then you can just kill everybody and let GOD, Allah, or whoever sort them out.

A fine example of the type of warfare you are talking about is "Secret Service" by Activision.
It was made in 2001 and can usually be found in the $10 bin at department stores.
It has a realistic, modern, urban, middle eastern, environment.
If you can find a used copy or if a friend has it then check it out.
You will see what I mean about the civilian clothes increasing the difficulty.

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Posted: 26th Jan 2006 23:01
Quote: "The only suggestion I could make is that most of the Iraq opposition dresses in civilian clothes.
Rebels don't have money to waste on uniforms, and it makes it hard as hell to tell who the enemy is.
Unless you are like some of us, and say "there are no civilians in this war".
Then you can just kill everybody and let GOD, Allah, or whoever sort them out.

Well we want even sides, this is just one skin from Iraqs Army (not terriosts, as i did state) Terroists are being skinned and are mainly looking like black hooded and city camo like Americas Army. I'll post a screen of a terriosts soldier with differnt skins. Also some SAS and Delta Skins for SF missions.



- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 10:12
Hey all heres a test shot from night vision missions, for Special forces missions only.

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 19:56
if it's a night mission and they are in the dark then why do they have shadows?
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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 21:44
Because of FPSC's engine I think!

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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 00:59
Yes fpsc creates shadows but so does moonlight in the night, lol

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001

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