Quote: "you need to learn math anyways for any type of good programming."
what does coding in either c++ or DBPro have to do with learning math, or applying math routines in your code... you can use just as much or just as little math if you code in DBASIC or c++... this is a ridiculous statement, i would just ignore it...
Quote: "C++ is really DBP with different commands, "
ahahahahahahaaaaa... i would ignore this too... Merranvo doesn't seem to have any idea of what he is saying here... i think he is trying to say that the sdk is really DPRPo with different commands, though it's not really clear what he's trying to say... irregardless, this also has very little to do with applying it and using the c++ language and the vc++ dev environment...
Quote: "Since you already have C++ experiance, it will be all the easier."
the guy said he will have to learn c++... didn't you read that above... he probably doesn't even know the first thing about coding in c either... if this is a fact, then it's not gonna be easier for him... it's gonna be harder...
unlike what some people would have you believe, c++ isn't the magic cure for all that ails a bad or inexperienced developer (not saying an inexperienced coder is a bad one by nature)... and not knowing the ins and outs of the ubiquitous MS Visual C++ compiler/ide/way of doing things, will quickly drive even moderately experienced c++ coders to talking to themselves...
...plus, therer's a lot more to making a game than writing some code... graphics gotta be made, sound, animations, etc... if he wants to make a game anytime in this meillenia, i'd advise him to start out with a procedurla BASIC language, and get the hang of gamemaking down, while learning c and c++ at a comfortable pace... and to ignore the 'experts' who make statements and assertions that are not based on fact or any extrapolation of fact, or forster viewpoints that have no solid foundation in logical reasoning...
like the one Merranvo just ppresented...
oh yeah... hi...
good points Alberto... i like the ability in c++ to code in OOP as opposed to the linear procedural enforcements of the 'BASIC 3D tools myself... that, and not speed, is the overriding reason i use it when i do...