now, I haven't purchased FPSCreator, (but seriously plan to on the morning of February 5th) but was wondering, from you experienced users and game creators out there, how easy it was to edit textures on entities already there, and what steps you had to take to edit those textures (step by step) I'm very intrigued by what I saw, and am curious to create some texture modifications for each of the base models, to release them openly and freely for people to use in their games. I also plan to create a game called "Defiance" which should be a nice little Sci-Fi Horror FPS for the hell of it.
Second question. How hard or easy is it to script movies into the scenes between levels, and would .avi be supported? Because I have SwishMax, and thought it would be awesome to create my little flash animation of sequential storyline advances, with music and all, and export it as the .avi file. If this is covered in the 89-page manual, I may be an idiot for asking that but these ARE things I kind of just want to know a little about before spending my Taco Bell Money on FPS Creator.
1. Requesting step by step on editing textures of existing models in game.
2. Requesting info on how to add AVI or MPEG movies into the storyline scenes.
3. Complimenting everyone in forum in advance for reading this post, and any responses they give.
"When humanity seeks to genetically improve upon itself, it is no longer humanity" -Book on, Cognitae Adversus