yea, it can be overide because the runtime programing it have the priority. you can use comands sutch as "Set window on" or "set window title" to change those definitions. Relember, this is programming, everything is at out hand to be manipulated.
witch settings? hum... see your yourself... I think that in full mode there's a bether quality (don't ask me why...xD)
I don't think so... to set resolution i'd ask the user the resolution and use the command set dysplay mode (ex
Executable File Settings ... it's the settings of your game's executable and the consequences of compressing the media on the exe are on the syze of the Exe itself. instaler type would be to make something like the instaler pack the name says...
I really don't mind to answer but, this kind of questions could be easilly solve by trying the program and modiffy the settings of it
KiTsUnE wOrKsHoP