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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Teaser For Upcoming Game

Evil Star
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Posted: 28th Jan 2006 22:41
Here it is the level is very short and based in a training facility.

1 Read the above
2 Download
3 Play
4 Enjoy
5 Give feedback

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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 02:58
There is no file here

Screenshots on Site! Demo Coming Soon!
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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 04:27
He said it was short.

instinct is more valuable than intelligence.....
Evil Star
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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 10:01
Very sorry, I can't post it, It's about 14mb

I'll give a description:
You start in a room with a circular workstation and several other computers. There are a number of unarmed Sc-Fi Troopers walking around the room with one in the middle of the circular workstation and another standing facing him on the outside. You exit through a teloscopic door following a grasspath that goes by some armed troopers, first you walk past a number of them with autoslugs and as you walk past they fire at a wall infront of them. The path turns and you are met by a small building (1 square in editor) with doors on either side, you go through both doors and meet four troopers practising with blasters and another two with miniguns. You come across another building (3x6 squares in editor) the door has a key pad next to it, it unlocks the door. In the room is a generator with hoses linking it to 3 large barrels. There is a stack of smaller barrels in the corner, one pacing trooper and another standing, both unarmed. in the corner opposite is a control room door. The door leads down a short corridor, the door opens. END

What do you think?

By the way, none of the troopers shoot the player.

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 15:35
Hahahahahahahahaha! This thread made my day.
Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 19:58
Is this serious? I written description of a demo game?

Is this like a text-based adventure game?!
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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 20:19
I enjoyed meeting the building. Got lost behind the barrels though.
Evil Star
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Posted: 29th Jan 2006 21:22
Wyatt Earp, I cannot upload the .exe so I'll give you the .fpm

And don't insult my game.

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Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 30th Jan 2006 01:45
Ravens Gate, i Dl'ed your demo...but none of the mobs showed in you mind if i alter some of the enemies and build off of it and send you it?

The funky fresh is back in the flesh with vengence homes!
Evil Star
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Posted: 30th Jan 2006 17:26 Edited at: 30th Jan 2006 17:27
Blood death, what do Dl'ed and mobs mean?

by the way, if mobs means enimies you have to download tattish's model here
and yes you can build on it

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Posted: 30th Jan 2006 18:13
DL'ed means downloaded and with mobs i think he ment that you have too many enemies in your game so it lagged.

A game like Black in progress...
Evil Star
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Posted: 30th Jan 2006 18:30
Anti matter games, i don't think he has tattish's model therefore it cannot appear.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2006 18:43
Whatever, i havent downloaded it yet so i dont know...

A game like Black in progress...
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Posted: 31st Jan 2006 17:23
Level looks pretty good but it has nothing special in it though.

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Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 31st Jan 2006 18:19
It seriously needs some work. It lags big time and I agree with the above post - I don't see anything outstanding, it looks like a FPSC game with no creativity.

I am starting to prefer the text based description much better.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2006 18:22 Edited at: 31st Jan 2006 18:25
Go easy on the new guy, he might not be accustomed to creating games yet and he may have spent time on this.

Quote: "5 Give feedback"

How about we give him feedback were the game is lacking and how he can improve it? The demo wouldn't work for me so I can't give my opinion.

/.,.\-Meh? Everyone loves fat penguins!
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Evil Star
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Posted: 31st Jan 2006 18:38 Edited at: 31st Jan 2006 18:42
Thanks Gamz, I would just like to point out that the AI is actually shooting at walls or targets NOT you.

Oh and Wyatt Earp thanks for your comment on the description but I don't thank you for insulting my game, AGAIN!!!

and Gamz I did spend time on this because I couldn't get the "Shoot in one direction" script to work properly or for the AI to hold the weapon properly.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2006 20:02
Cool, is this the first time you've scripted?

/.,.\-Meh? Everyone loves fat penguins!
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Evil Star
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Posted: 31st Jan 2006 22:21
No, I've never scripted, I got the "shoot in one direction" script from the script boards.

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Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 21:17
Keep working at. Once you have something different, post it up. For now, few of us can help you if your demo doesnt work for them, or lags so much.

Less objects on screen would probably help this and better scripting.
Evil Star
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Posted: 26th Feb 2006 20:53
Here is a newbie the demo of a puzzle game i am making go here for it

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