Forum users trying to stomp out piracy
Dont get me wrong, I'm totally against the dark art myself, when some of us work damn hard to get our shelves full with the beautifuly boxed software that aids us in our craft(well, mines not on the shelve, its in my bed!) anyway....
I would rather leave the piracy stompping task to those who are more in the know how, customs, the various agencys, TGC, Autodesk and every other big boy company out there.
Yeah by all means its right to report someone who is using or exchanging info on what murky web ally to stumble down for their latest fix on the dreaded drug known as warez!!!
We can rant and rave all day about it, when they appear you can flame them brutally until your fingers buckle up and your keyboard becomes 2d from so much force. Then what will they do, run to the garden and burn all their cd-rs, tell mummy they've been bad. No, they'll change there user id and keep quiet next time and no-one would know a thing!!!
It seems to me that it would only be the young ones(or those with not much sense)who would get their warez and then take part in a community dedicated to the app(even worse when its the companys own forum) and then openly write about there cracked software not working or where can they get hold of 3dsmax8 for free.
WTF am I going on about!!! must be the 24h no sleep thats turn me in to a rambling maniac and those deamons in the corner of the room dont help.
Anyway like I said we can rant on about it all day, make a mountain out of a mole hill, come on, theres not been that many on here talking about warez.
If you really want to fight the good fight in the name of TGC, then stop trying to chop off the tail end and go for the head! Its simple, find torrent sites, use search=FPScreator, you find you report, done!!!
Well its your fight and good luck.
I think we should leave it up to the software houses to deal with, and us lot should get this forum into a better community! a game designing community(Maybe Mods would come back and keep a closer eye on things?)
Ok I speak of community, but I can hear some of you saying "well Who.T.F is this" yeah I dont post much here as 1, I tend to focus more on my game design and modelling, 2, this forum reminds me a bit of Lord of the flies!lol.
Come on everyone, lets get some serious game designing done and it can be done "only a bad workman will blame his tools"
Thats stop all these pointless time consuming threads, ranting, raving, flaming,putting others down blah blah blah.
LOL...I have not been on any other game design forum yet and seen stuff like The anti-noob justice we like it deep in the brown ring stinger league. lets all get a crip and a bit of focus!!
Oh well I'm going to stop on this now as this was not the reason I was writing! Went way off topic!
Back to the piracy thing, what I wanted to say was the threat to this community is not the warez users as such, but the model pack pirates etc or people saying their a part of the community while trying to make a fast bit of money out of everyone.
You know, people downloading free models from a site then saying they've released this new pack for so much cash, just trying to take people for fools, if they were a true member of the community and wanted everyone to progress, I guess they would post a link or say they've found these online at so and so.
CROW34 - I know this is not piracy as such but it is someone trying to rip the community of....
Go check out the new Cronius Texture back in Showcase, check out the screenshots and put them to one side...
Now wack another window up and go to, then head to 4free, and download yourself some nice 20seamless textures
Now look at your nice new 20textures and look at Cronius $9+ texture pack......The rest is history.
And I've got to say that all the others are free of the web as well, How do I know, I've spent ages searching the web and getting a good stock of textures together...
Send the witch-hunters forth for this type of act is the real threat!!!!!!