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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / New Horry Gorry Video

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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 05:13 Edited at: 1st Feb 2006 05:44
Here's a small video of my first level. What I wanted to show in particular was the hand drawn colt I made. It fits into the game perfectly. This weapon is a 3d model, but its unconventional in the fact that its simply a 3d cookie cutter shape of the gun. I'm trying to make everything look as its been drawn. The framerate isn't really that slow, its Fraps. I'm getting 32 fps. I also want to thank Bullshock and Joh for explaining FPSC weapon coordinates to me.




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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 05:26

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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 13:42
Youve got to love horry gorry.

A game like Black in progress...
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 15:20
I have three things to say to that video.

1. HOLY **** THAT IS AWESOME! I really want that game. How did you texture your game, with a pencil? Because this will be the most impressive game I have seen someone make.

2. How did you get 32 fps? Is it the free version? FRAPS is too slow for me.

3. Horry gorry what does that mean? Or is it just the name of your game.

Keep up the GOOOOOOOD work.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 16:07
Good work!

I played the first one from the site you posted somewhere - that was good too (and I kept losing cause of the traps and such).

Screenshots on Site! Demo Coming Soon!
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 16:50
Yes its the name of the game.

A game like Black in progress...
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 21:03
Lol! Awesome!

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Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 21:21
Really cool and really imaginative! Way to go!
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 21:26
Wow! That was pimped! Lol, I like that wierd screech sound! You need some new gun sounds tho.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 21:58 Edited at: 1st Feb 2006 21:59
Thanks! Yeah the sound will be different. Continuing my tradition with Pencil Whipped, all sound effects will be performed by me...with my MOUTH. That's right, gun noises, door noises, explosions, re-loading, death, wind, enemies you name it, all mouth uttered sound effects. Yep its embarassing but I don't care. Also all music will be me and my Guitar with my CRATE stack.


Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 1st Feb 2006 22:26
Dude! Artistic! WOWZER!

I love you.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2006 17:42 Edited at: 7th Feb 2006 02:02
Holy crap your a nerd! no, jk lol. Hey, i've doen some SFX wit my moouth! Yes, I've doen some, VERY, good SFX with my mouth I've doen some *takes off shirt* "aaaaw! uhhhhh!! ya like me??" oh, sorry. wrong window.
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2006 19:36
Not nerdish, ARTISTIC! Chris you know I love art.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2006 19:09
Lonnie strikes again! Woooo-hooooo!!! Great stuff!!! I just can't wait for full version! But take all of the time in the world - the game should be perfect! And you used the laugh again - it always makes me jump!

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Les Horribres
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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 01:09
Why don't you have a death animate for your guys?
Nice, what we expect from a pencil drawn game.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 03:47
Thanks Merranvo. He has animated death, but I messed up on it. I originally animated him extending his arms outward, looking up and sinking downward into the ground, but FPSC physics didn't like that and it looked kinda stupid anyway. I'm going to do something else and have him alpha fade away.

@Anatoly: Believe it or not, that's my voice in a highly modified wav file.


Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 15:13

For his deaths try fading, smashing into pieces, imploding.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 18:21
Awesome This will probally be the first fpsc game I'll actually want to play...

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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 19:00
See, this is what FPSC aslong as you are imaginative enough, and can get around those annoying bugs...Amazing! Great work!

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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 19:24
hey lon, dont know if this could be done, but a really cool death animation for these characters could be a 'crumpling' effect- since they resemble drawings on paper, maybe you could have them crumble up into a ball and then have it fall to the ground.

the video looks really good- prolly the most innovative use of FPSC yet. Good luck! we're expecting great things.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2006 19:49
He did 'crumpling' for one of the enemies in the original game. It looked cool. Together with a balloon-loosing-the-air sound...

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Black Games
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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 18:28
I cant see it!

(c) Black Games 2006
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 10:48
Hi dude Lovly Video I WANT TO DOWNLOAD IT

How do you get the frame rates up to like 32 FPS mine go really low and sluggish

1 game they go down 2 *(0)* which seariously sucks then it catches up
My specs are
3.2 GHZ
200 gb
512 MB
Geforce 4 6200
Please Help

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