Why not try making multiplayer maps? They`re quite simple to create and as an added bonus, you get to play with your friends!
Friend #1:Omg! Did you hear that mickeyb has created FPS multiplayer maps??!!!
Friend #2:Yeah it`s so cool!!! The Map <insert map name here> was the coolest!!!
Friend #1:I`ll meet at your <house/dorm/etc.> later and we`ll play til` tomorrow!!
Friend #2:Yeah and I`ll beat the crap out of you!!
Friend #1:No- I`ll break your arms off first you $@%$#@%$#%$#!!!!
(mickeyb i`m sorry if i insulted your knowledge in any way)
You could get your mp ideas here:
PS I wish I had a success story like that....
<{@.@~}>- "i DoN`T sUFfeR FRoM iNSAnIty, i 3NjoY 3vErY S3coNd oF It!"