No prob.
i love to help , just tell me what you need , and what`s usefull to you all , and i will create it if it`s within my "power"
I am planning on releasing free 3d fpsc model pack , and a 50 or 100 professional textures freeware pack .
No payement required at all , becouse i want to help , not to take away money from people for things that could be made easily and be free to use .
My model pack will probably contain wodenen furniture like chairs , tables , etc.
Also computer models on a table with web camera and mouse and a few other details..
So , i will make things like that .
I`m also planing on releasing a freeware floor pack with 512*512 texture quality .
Also a freeware decays pack with all sorts of effects like smoke and a few more fire effects .
But , i won`t promiss that , becouse i wouldn`t like to say i didn`t did what i toled i would if i don`t do it..
so , while i`m working on it , say what you need .
i will try to make it look as much professional , and as much tilable textures as i can , i will make textures of metals , doors , plastic devices , glass , etc , and then i`l make them tilable and as nicer as i can .