If anyone wants to test XUpdate, without needing an app as caller etc, you can do the following:
After dl'ing and unzipping XUpdate to a folder...
-create a shortcut to XUpdate.exe
-add the command line args to the exe call in the shortcut like:
C:...XUpdate.exe -. -http://www.YourWeb.com/yourfiles/ - -
-create an xml file named xupdate_task.xml and add the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<task version="">
<file name="test.txt" path="" />
-save this xml file and create a txt file named test.txt
-push both of these files up to your web location specified in the command line argument (these location must match or xupdate wont find the files)
-now your web location should have test.txt and the xupdate_task.xml file (xupdate_task.xml is always required to be with the files you intend to download)
-launch xupdate.exe from the SHORTCUT
If everything was set up properly you will see a small window that shows XUpdate's progress, and you will see the xml file appear in the same dir you are working in, then your test.txt file should appear as it is downloaded. If something isnt set right either in the command line, or in the task xml, XUpdate will notify you of the error.
key things to remember:
-the version value being passed in from the command line, and the version value in the xml file must differ for the downloads to be attempted. (When I say xml version value, I mean the value in the <task version=... />, NOT the version value in the first line of the xml, that is the XML version and is not what we mean to change
-If the values are the same xupdate will say that the version is up to date and that there is nothing to do, then it will exit.
-The final downloaded file is placed in the location that is the concatenation of the command line's First argument (root_dir) and each file's PATH= property. In our example above your test.txt file appears in the directory you are working out of because we specified -. in the cmd line arg and path="" in the xml. The resultant path ends ip being . + "", or just . Single dot equates to "here in this working directory". Had you specified path="test" for example, your final location for the file would have been ".test" This would require you had a folder called "test" in your current directory. destinations must exist prior to the downloads or it will fail. But this is no problem since I assume developers know ahead of time their program's tree structure prior to release, and regardless of where the end user has installed the app.
hopefully someone can give this a go
Upcoming additions:
-The ability to restart an app, which works in conjunction to the stopped app arg. I will make it so you can pass in the full path to the APP_TO_STOP arg, I will retrieve the full path and exe name internally, use the exe name to stop the app, and the full path to restart it after updating. Again, your app can discover its entire path and pass it into the cmd line, so this isnt an issue.
-I will build a separate utility that lets you graphically arrange files in a tree, upload them to your web server, and build the xml file from a gui, and upload that as well. One stop shopping
XUpdate - Effortless Automatic file updating for your distributed Games and Apps