Januaruy Issue of PC Zone, eh?
Quote: "Start taking FPS Creator seriously, and it quickly becomes apparent how underequipped it leaves you to create anything decent. The games you create are your own intellectual property too, a privilege afforded by the fact that nobody in their right mind will buy the tripe you develop."
Clearly the Editor is an idiot to tell his readers that their creations are "tripe".
Calling there creations "useless" or "worthless" is not very bright regardless of how they created it.
Quote: "As the name clearly states, the package allows you to create your own FPS games with absolutely zero coding skills and even fewer 3D modelling skills. What's more, whereas previous make-your-own-game software merely allowed you to choose a hero, an enemy and a type of pie before presenting you with a crappy identikit shooter, FPS Creator actually gives you an impressive amount of freedom, while still retaining that falling-off-a-log difficulty level.
This is the part that proves my point.
FPS Creator allows its user to import their own media easier than any other engine.
Therefore, if your end result is "useless" or "tripe", it is only because of the user's skills Mr. Editor.
FPSC is not to blame for your FPS Games being "stale".
Quote: "With tile-based level design, drag-and-drop entities and a raft of prefab rooms and structures, you can literally create your own FPS in a matter of minutes. "
Don't you forget it!
What other engine can boast this with NO ROYALTY or LICENSE FEES???
Quote: "I want to prove these guys wrong...."
I find it humorous to see someone's conclusion being exactly opposite of what their argument suggested.
His points throughout the article contradict the conclusion, so he has proven himself wrong.
Again, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and my opinion is that the Author of that Article is an Idiot, and so is the Editor for running that crap.
Quote: "even though the end product is useless"
Pure propaganda, and amateurish at that.
Nothing more than an opinion.
As far as the games made with FPSC...
Whos game did he play, his own?
So, our future games must be bad because his was?
Like I said ...he's an idiot...its only my opinion.
He said himself it only takes minutes to create a game with FPSC, and that's probably all he spent on his.
That's why it crashed half way through.
His game might be "tripe" and "useless" because he was too busy writing articles to make a decent game.
That doesn't mean our games will be useless, because FPSC does give us the power to do what we want.
He can speak for himself and his creations, because I like my games and I love FPSC.