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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Broken: The Game Screenshots

Natflash Games
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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 00:19
Hi all here is the website for my new game "Broken" (Im thinking on a better name) Its my first game with FPS Creator, although not my first game. Its about a scientist called Nick Herrings trying to escape from the lab in wich he has been imprisoned, but the guards dont take this kindly and try to stop him, the guards end up killing Nick and an investigator (who hapens to be Joel Herrings Nicks brother)Tries to find out what happened and free all the scientists they have imprisoned illeagaly. By the end somthing happens to the timeline causing it to jump backwards. This is where the next game I will do kicks in Lost At War.
Thats all for now though.

P.S Ignore the Level Design on my site that was for my last game

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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 08:18
When the guy get choked by the monster, it sound like he`s puking, but anywayz, good trailer

PS how did you make such good posing<s> of the characters.

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Natflash Games
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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 12:42
For the cut scenes I used a game called "The Movies"

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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 13:13
Great work here, looks like it should be a good game. Just fix the sounds, right now they sound tacty. If I was you, I would rent out a sound studio and get some voice actors. If you do this, I think you would make a great profit on your game.
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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 13:26
Maybe I should have played the demo first.. The demo looks nothing like the trailer, the game looks awful, sorry, but I thought from the level design and trailer, that the game would be amazing. Are you even sure you made those levels and trailer yourself, and not stole them from some where else?
Natflash Games
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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 19:40
Flaming hell dont you get it!
All the level design and the demo is for a completely different game a game that turned out to be a dissapointment, since I made it in The 3D Game Maker. Ignore everything apart from the In Game Screens and the trailer.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 13:20
Great idea for useing the Movies for cutscenes!Good luck in your new game. T3DGM sucks.

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Natflash Games
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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 19:25
Thanks and yeah T3DGM does suck but FPS Creator dont.
Anyway the there will be a demo soon, in a few days maybe.
But I need help, how do I improve performance i've done everything it says in the manual and my PC Specs are up to date but it still seems to slow down.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2006 14:02
It seems to max at 33 fps for me, even when I have added nothing to the game. I think you should keep the rooms quite basic to keep fps up, but even then I think the game renders things you cant see, lowwering your fps as low as 1.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2006 20:47
i like t3dgm!

cause i like all rpg engines and stupidity making things!
(like my:"Where is daddy going to"engine!)

look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
(its not old yet)
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Posted: 10th Feb 2006 22:12
Whoah dude! looks awesome
but i had a question for you
When you said you used the movies for cutscenes....
im considering buying that game...i dled the demo (of the movies) and it seemed kind of restricting to make cutscenes in the actual game is there more free animating?

Nunticaelitusphobia---im scuurrred of the internet
Natflash Games
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 17:56
There is no free animating in The Movies it is all done by pre made animations, dont worry though there are over like 100 to choose from.
Also you can change the lighting, angle, and outcome of each pre made animation.
I really reccomend The Movies, Great Game

Do the best you can do!

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