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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / ATF (Anti Terrorism Force) - - NEED HELP!

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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 23:36 Edited at: 9th Feb 2006 19:58
I've given up on my game Nuclear Terrorism, so I thought i'd so something more easier and complex, and fun to do!

This game is called ATF (Anti Terrorism Force) and it's a game based around missions like Rainbow Six and stuff related to Rainbow Six, mainly my game is about search and destroy, do this and that, and "get out of here/there" type missions", yeah like Rainbow Six , now you see I'm looking foward to making this project and getting it up and running successfully and fine ,

What I need YOU guys to do is help me with a bit of modelling, bit of scripting, and whatever comes along what we need , the first thing is :

1. Since you cannot do multiple texturing in FPSC, I need someone to retexture some gun models, so that all the textures are in one, these are some of the gun models of what they look like at the moment, just remember they have multi textures :

So please can anyone in there kindest regards and sympathy do this for me?

2. I've already posted about this so heres the first and heres the second......

This will do for now, I'll come up with some more updates tomorrow, I must go now, so see you tomorrow .

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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 23:50
Gun models can have more then 1 texture.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 02:16
Do you really think some one will just come along and model you new weapons with hands attached? and texture them all?

That would take a modeller a good day to perfect. I dont think many modellers have time to help others, not if its free work. I couldnt see my self making models for you, for free, out of my own time.

Maybe you will be lucky, and get a modeller who will help you, but I dont think thye would be any good... but you never know.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 17:36 Edited at: 9th Feb 2006 20:53
Ok, Doughboy Cheers!

Higgins - Don't worry about it now

So is anyone going to volunteer scripting?


Infact I'll tell you what - Whoever wants to volunteer help me make this game, please email me - .

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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 22:04

why they never stop?

look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
(its not old yet)
Davy B
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Posted: 9th Feb 2006 22:36
Very very nice models.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2006 17:19
Cheers! But I took them from the DBPro 'Mercenaries 2' (with full permission to)

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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 01:47
@ Ali M
Err... 1 very funny question...
Quote: "so I thought i'd so something more easier and complex"

How can an easy thing be complex at the same time?

[A]NJL`s [N]on-[G]oody-goody [E]xtermination [L]eague [C]arrying [O]ut [M]ass [M]urdering of [A]NJL`s [N]efarious [D]evotees -Essence of ANGEL COMMAND
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 06:06
i like the gun models with hands.. nice work.. but the first screenshot.. where the guy is holding a pistol. something seems a bit off.. like its two left hands.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 14:51
Jikito - Hehe don't worry about it ,

A N G E L C O M M A N D - Lol, eh! I wern't really concentrating .

" Rock 'N' Roll isn't just music, it's a way of life... " - Me.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2006 19:36
really nice models. I can't help with work, but I can give ideas. First idea I got is that in the first map/mission is a aperation that fails and the chararter got stuck in terrorist base. later in game have to detonate a nucreal weapon, what the terrorist have stolen and after that, need to escape.

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