ok... I was in a hurry and I don't know C++ so well but if I could make comments on DB just like that would be bether, won't you agreed?
PosY = -10 `Off the screen
PosX = rnd(screen width()) `This will take a random number of the
dim sprt(5) as integer `(5) is the number of objects
delete sprite sprt(1)
sprite sprt(1),PosY,PosX,1
PosY = PosY + 10
until PosY => screen height()
Basicly it works like this: The repeat structure have an conter named PosY that will increase every loop. When it will stop? after it's value reaches a number equal or bigger that screen height
I don't know if classic have this commands but if not sorry but with this you can get a clue of what y need to do. I didn't test the code proprelly so... if something goes wrong Will be the disonor of the Pro nood justice league.... buts this is just code to show how to do, notto compile!!! with this code you problably have an Idea of what to do.
Sorry sorry sorry
KiTsUnE wOrKsHoP