When you're relatively new to the forums, the source code box doesn't work. You'd be better putting your code between
[ code ]
[ /code ]
Tags (except, without the spaces between "[" and "]")
Doing so, you'll get
As for diffuse colour - diffuse is the basic colour for an object. When you use "Color Object" that is the diffuse you are setting. Objects behave differently when they are textured, to when they are just 'Color Object'ed. If you see what I mean.
Try putting a simple texture on your objects, and see if that changes it.
Also, if you want your objects to be all the same colour all the way around (and you're using DBPro) try using the "Set Object Emissive" with a colour value - it will make it bright to that colour and there will be no shadow on it.
Good luck.