@Conjured I'll explain these contests for you
The purpose is self improvement, and feeling good about your work, and killing the '3D modellers' block, its what I've (A BigAdd) had devised to allow people to challenge each other and work on their 3D modelling skills.
No entry fee, no prize, except to choose the next theme and the rules of the next theme, in general they last 10 days, but the winner can extend or shorten it if they choose. (Like before Christmas Mach made a long one)
any one can enter, but I am a bit sour about people who can take the win entering, but I will allow them to enter once within a period of time, like Mach.
Rules are:
-Obviously - Your own work
-Your work must be specifically for the contest(Just added as a rule rather than guideline)
-Abide by the extra rules/guidelines for the specific contest.
-No cheating (Have had it happen, work will be denied for at least one contest)
-Must be 3D work (obviously)
-When voting, you are not allowed to vote for yourself
Previous contests,
The first contest- Known character contest (Winner Big Add)
War contest- Winner(???)(I'm assuming it was ooga)
Can't find it yet, but we know it exists
Although it appears to be deleted
Exploration contest-(winner, I think it was BenDstraw)
Patriotic Compo(Winner The Crazy)
Halloween contest, (Winner Ooga booga)
Futuristic contest, (Winner Mach)
Face of Beauty, (I won)
Improvement contest The previous contest (winner Ooga Booga)
"I want to put a bullet through my head everytime I think of you!!!"- Slayer