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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] Lucid Nightmare

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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 01:53
Hello Everyone im makeing a prodject of a Horror game some of you already know anyway here is the story... 2 years ago a city called restless Dreams has been cursed of the Evil worlds from the depts of hell. 12/31/97 Claudia is a Witch/evil doctor claudia has belived that the Evil of life was better since she was born special with evil magic she Cursed this little sleepy city in to a living nightmare... 2 years later 3 best friend Michael,Angelica and Gaby went to a jr. high school in the city michael,gaby and angelica were worried cuase the Melenioum was comeing and they rememberd that faitfull night were claudia cursed the city her last words were \"HEll and Evil shell ruel the world once again\" then she died. then a anouncement at the school went off it said that The girls soccer team witch angelica was in had a field trip to the Musem. The Merit list of medical group witch gaby was in they had a field trip to the hospital. As for mike well nothing but as soon as they left the sky tured red and a light of evil was Claudia! she said the unchosen souls will suffer the depts of hell as Demonds then all the kids died including Animals and thay aged with blood rust and mold and turned into Zombie/Ragdolld...

Silent Hill
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 01:55 Edited at: 11th Feb 2006 02:26
Continue...Claudia also had a daughter named alice.alice was a septic insacure child she also had uncontrolabel power... As for mike he couldnt Beleave whats happenig then this was a Beginig of A long Horribel...Lucid Nightmare...Lucid Nightmare has a great Enviorment and Character looks you also can have up to 4 friends in the game "there is only one player" so i meen is the characters in the game help you and kill enimes! Lucid nightmare is a Suspence and Demotic game sort of a Silent Hill mixed in Resident evil. There are many levels and weponds and also Enimies the main monsters are the Human Zombies/Ragdolls. there are also cats and dog monster to!

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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 03:26
Nicely worded, however, the rules stipulate that no story threads may be posted. You need some media to show.

Because no n00b is a good n00b.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 03:31
what do you mean Sarus?

Silent Hill
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 04:42
you cant do story posts... you need screens or something. its in the rules for the showcase.

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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 04:53
Uh oh Lizblizz... you got to excited from reading the replies of the other thread

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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 05:25
so...the main characters are 12 year olds?
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Posted: 11th Feb 2006 19:18
Sounds slightly retarded.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 02:33 Edited at: 12th Feb 2006 02:33
Hey guys be nice. I thought it was a great storyline, nice job Lizblizz! Very creative! Keep up the awsome work!

Note: I love zombie games

I am new, if I am wrong notify me please.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 04:41
@Kansas- You are obviously not a Silent Hill fan and it just makes no sense to you. So ease up on the flaming, "retarded" is a bit harsh. If you have some constructive critisisim maybe then we'd be intrested in hearing what you have to say.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 08:29 Edited at: 12th Feb 2006 18:36
can apriceate things ok so husssh!...NOoB! spinman yhea the main charecter is mike is the 12 year old but there is 4 other charecters inclueding Ashley Garcia michaels missing sister Gaby mikes friend Angelica mikes other friend and Alice the strange girl.ill post some stuff later. and kansas if you dont like it stop posting so just go get! thanks for backing me up guys!

Silent Hill
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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 18:18
Iam sure no game has had a 12 year old that can use guns and kill zombies. Silent hill had that girl who was about 17, much older than a 12 year old, plus i think the younger kids would run off screaming, or hide in a crate while the zombies came for them .

Try to change their ages to make it more believable. Also please post images of your game, otherwise ill believe all you have is a story.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 20:18
yhea mike is realy 13 and angelica is 12 in a half gaby is just asn ashley is 8 only mike gaby and angelica can only shoot guns ashley cant but mike and angelica and gaby strugel shooting the gun they shake and have bad accuretcy but overall its a good game ill post conecpt are if i can get my scaner working. and its true what you said about the kids runing screaming stuff mike and the other get realy scarde exspecialy gaby and ashley. well yhea lil kid would get scared but in resident evil 2 in clairs cd you play as sherry and you have no guns and there are monster same with silent hill 1&2 with laura and cherly but what you said is true but overall the game is good

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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 22:24
If the game is good liz, can you show us some ingame screen shots?
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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 22:28
or post a demo

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Posted: 12th Feb 2006 23:59
well i havent started it yet cause mainly 85% is coustome so its realy scary ill post only concept art or win i get my scanner working ill post images of enimies here ill list the enimies...1.Ragdolls 2.pero=Dog 3.gato=cat 4.Eye moster 5.Bagarms and nurse ragdoll 7. maids 8.Fleas...Some of the monster are in spanish

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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 00:17
Richard D
Quote: "Random "I'm making this game" threads. That's not for the showcase. It's for the chat board.

Stories. They're not showcase worthy, post them elsewhere."

I know this is mean, but, stop posting endless story threads and 'iam making a scary game' threads, that include no screenshots or game files. Its just a waste of web space for the TGC team. Post some thing worth viewing in the future, or dont post any thing.

Iam only talking about this forum, not the others.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 00:36
I agree fully. And Lizblizz, please can you word it better? I could hardly understand any of that-I mean seriously that was so hard to get.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 00:46
The Titel? it means A unclear nightmare just a big word you know what i meen and higgins plz guy give me time the mean stuff makes me feel bad ill post some images soon and i Promise you guy it will be good cause ill put good graphics good story line fmv or avi and diffrent endings and when i finish this prodject ill make a alternated version!!! and if i post a Demo ill post the location in the Magnus Hospital. so you guy gonna suport me cause all you guy are nice exspecialy what everyone said in the script thread thanks for complementing me the game will take some time do to all the coustom stuff i hope it will be as good as prodject luna. P.S. gosh dang you Lenmark printer!!!

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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 06:04
also sorry 4 doubel posting but i was planing to make a website but whats a good one thats free not a trial but for free a good one to make a morbid website! ill post all of the info of lucid nightmare ok!

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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 14:51
Post som screenies

A game like Black in progress...
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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 17:35
This is getting really, really sad. Liz, do you not understand that you shouldnt be posting any thing here unless it has visual content. Saying you will post images, is pointless.

I have a game idea myself, you dont see me posting stories about it every 5 minuets, with no images, in fact i havent posted any thing about a game 'I have planned'. Please keep it to your self untill you really do have some thing to show.

I also dont want some stupid excuse about your printer not working and that you will upload some images later, it has to be as soon as you make the post, not 5 weeks after it has began. Why do you need a printer for any way! That doesnt make any sense.

If you dont understand this, I think we all install for a lot more pointless threads. Thats me done for now.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 18:07
I know how youre feeling liz. Im sitting here trying not to loose control of exitement of telling about my game...

-Half Death- A game like Half Life 2 in progress...
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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 20:08
ok fine!ill post some images from the sims 2 based threw the story!ok give me time

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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 20:26
Quote: "
Iam sure no game has had a 12 year old that can use guns and kill zombies. Silent hill had that girl who was about 17, much older than a 12 year old, plus i think the younger kids would run off screaming, or hide in a crate while the zombies came for them ."

It would be a change ,though, and interesting to see how 12 year olds would be portaryed.After all its not as if it has to be realistic anyway if its a zombie game, as I hope mostof us know that zombies don't exist or big ragdoll monsters, so I don't see how having the characters as twelve is a problem. Or am I just rambling on here...

/.,.\-Meh? Everyone loves fat penguins!
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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 20:44
yhea gamzs its mainly kinda real cause why the dates is in 1999 it was mainly a apocolis of hell and evil overlaping the world and pozesing people and demons runing around the city cause in real life some people thought the world was gonna end in 2000 some thought the Y2K and some dident care so the people that wernt ment to live died and evolved into living hell ragdoll demonds well ther not exacly ragdoll just like riped off limbs and sewd mouths and eyes and the limp at you and attack cause if it were to happend what would you do? just like in resident evil that could happend a crazy virus cause now a days clonenig and stuff. like in resident evil 2 in clairs cd you play chery the 12 year old she runs around trying not to get killed and not being cowerdly just hideing well you will like it!

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Posted: 13th Feb 2006 21:55
I for one would love to see a demo/screenshots of this game,so come on, chop chop...

Never eat yellow snow
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 00:21
I think having younger characters is cool. It hasn't been tried before and its something new so these punks should keep an poen mind. Be carful htough lizz. If you do it right it man make oyur game the talk of the town, do it wrong you'll be a lughing stock.
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 00:23
Ok here is a screenie that i made with the sims 2 just to give you a taste how the game is gonna be!

Silent Hill


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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 00:25
and another one in the palmtree apts were mikes picks up the shotgun.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 00:30 Edited at: 14th Feb 2006 00:30
and a other were you find gaby in the hospital with ashley

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 00:32
and a fun one were gaby sits on a luxury car

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 00:34
and a group shot with all the charecters neer a luxury car

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 01:01
and here is the meior monster/mike

Silent Hill


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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 01:27
God those are so small-Dont make me strain eyes when I dont have coffee-DONT GO THERE!!! lol

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 01:33
i know thats as good as i can get them they are small but worth it!

Silent Hill
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 01:48
Well, I don't think they're worth it-I hate it when they're that small-why don't you open them in paint and make them bigger? That'll make it a lot easier for us all.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 01:58
its as big as i can get it sorry

Silent Hill
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 02:41
Never mind-but I don't really think that Sims 2 Screenshots suffices here...

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 03:56
well there is nothing i can do i have no 3d modeling program

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 04:11
post some screens OF YOUR GAME. seriosuly, if your noot even making it, then whats the point of posting this thread? seriously... abide by the rules... they're there for a reason.

Because no n00b is a good n00b.
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 04:23
i made this thread just to post the story.but it seems you guy dont like it well i havent had the time to order a 3d program yet. ill try to get a modeling program ASAP so just wait plz im beeging you! ok just enjoy that your gonna get a good horror game probaly the only but still...youl like it its worth the wait.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 14:31
give us a demo then...

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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 15:44
Liz, please go see a doctor about your mental issues, because quite clearly, you don’t seem to have a brain.

Every one here has told you at least 5 times now to follow the rules, yet, you keep posting worthless material that has nothing to do with this so called game of yours.
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 16:51
Lizblizz.. Your game wont be anything like the Sims 2,

A) You cannot Model
B) Your using an FPS Engine.
C) I've never recalled kids being able to shoot zombies in the sims.

Stop posting random irrelevant pictures and threads. Anyone whos about to say 'OMG Kansas liek shutup an stuff yer she is like really cool and stuf'. You can't seriosuly think this thread makes any sense, and if you do then.. wow.
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Posted: 14th Feb 2006 19:21

Lizblizz, you should only post in this forum once you have a game to showcase (showcase forum ... get it?)

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