May 23, 2006
Updates made:
- Users now have the abililty to pass parameters back to their dbpro functions. Backword capability has been maintained with the setup and usage of user functions. Here's a look at the new format:
Using a DBPro user function with no parameters
` Initialize dbpro function with no parameters
script load dbp function 1,"ScriptCmd",0
// Normal usage of your new script command
Using a DBPro user function with parameters
` Initialize dbpro function with no parameters
script load dbp function 1,"ScriptCmd",2
// New format for script commands with parameters"ScriptCmd",this,that);
- Help files & examples updated.
- Plugins updated.
In addition work has begun on two new plugins for DS. One is a plugin that works with a console window. Many possiblities can come from its uses, such as; debug window, information window, or an outlet for ascii style games. The second one is a plugin for winsock, it still needs lot of work and is in an experimental stage at this point.
The script editor will be worked on some more in the near future to include a compiling menu option. Also, the abililty to run scripts as stand alone programs is in the works. Current progress with that is still in the script layout design.