im having some problems with the tut! some of the time when im playing it it works fine and the ball bounces off the paddle but when i sometimes move the paddle it will go through one of the problems can someone help! here is my code!
rem make paddle ball and floor start sync&color paddles
make object sphere 3,1
make object box 1,1,1,3
position object 1,-5,0,0
make object box 2,1,1,3
position object 2,5,0,0
color object 1,rgb(255,0,0)
color object 2,rgb(0,155,0)
make object box 4,10,0.1,10:position object 4,0,-0.55,0
sync on
set cursor 300,50:print player1score#
set cursor 320,50:print "-"
set cursor 340,50:print player2score#
if ballx#>6 then player1score#=player1score#+1:ballx#=0:ballz#=0:balla#=270
if ballx#>6 then player2score#=player2score#+1:ballx#=0:ballz#=0:balla#=270
position object 3,ballx#,0,ballz#
yrotate object 3,balla#
if ballx#>4 and ballx#<4.5 and ABS(player1pos#-ballz#)<1.5 then balla#=360-balla#
if ballx#<-4 and ABS(player2pos#-ballz#)<1.5 then balla#=360-balla#
if upkey()=1 and ballx#>4 and ballx#<4.5 then balla#=balla#+8
position object 1,-5,0,player1pos#
position object 2,5,0,player2pos#
position camera 0,10,-10
point camera 0,0,0
IF keystate(17)=1 AND player1pos#<5 then player1pos#=player1pos#+0.5
IF keystate(31)=1 AND player1pos#>-5 then player1pos#=player1pos#-0.5
IF upkey()=1 and player2pos#<5 then player2pos#=player2pos#+0.5
IF downkey()=1 and player2pos#>-5 then player2pos#=player2pos#-0.5
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