CurveValue() is for getting an interpolated value of any two numbers, and CurveAngle() is for getting an interpolated value between two
sync on : sync rate 30 : hide mouse
autocam off
make object sphere 1,5
make object cube 2,5
scale object 2,500,100,100
position object 1,-25,0,0
position object 2,15,0,0
position camera 0,50,0
point camera 0,0,0
backdrop on : color backdrop 0
newx#=curvevalue(-15,object position x(1),20)
newa#=curveangle(180,object angle y(2),20)
position object 1,newx#,0,0
yrotate object 2,newa#
This program uses CurveValue() for the ball to move from left to right, and CurveAngle() for the box to rotate on the right.
FunkyStickmen: Battle of the Races (1%)