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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Ok so my demo is a little late....

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Posted: 20th Feb 2006 07:09
Ok so my demo is a little late it will be coming soon, sorry guess Im a perfectionist.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2006 07:10
Wow, the texture and lighting, as well as the entities work together harmoniously... if you get what i mean

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Posted: 20th Feb 2006 07:16
What did you mean by that? ??

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Posted: 20th Feb 2006 08:56
I mean, your workmanship is simply astounding. Even the best perfectionist would applaud you. I think.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2006 09:09

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Posted: 20th Feb 2006 13:34 Edited at: 20th Feb 2006 13:36
These are absolutley brilliant! I admire your attention to detaiil. Take your time!
Edit: Did you make the game completely so far with FPSC content?

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Posted: 20th Feb 2006 13:54
No I added some of my own stuff. Like new textures, sounds, and a couple of new entities. Thanks for the comments!!!

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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 04:57

i can honestly say i wanna play this

Nunticaelitusphobia---im scuurrred of the internet
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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 10:49
Hey guys I'm in the process of finishing up detail work, demo should be here very soon. By the way, the game now has a name.

"Fear In The Distance"

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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 12:32

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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 12:42
Wow, have you done that segment by yourself?

-The Human Takeovers- Coming Summer 2006
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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 12:53
Looks like the chateau secret tunnel with a diffrent (wooden?) texture. I may be completely wrong. Im impressed with your lighting. It cast's a erie darkness across the rooms, but remember to much darkness can ruin a game if not balanced with some light sections.
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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 13:00
Everything in that last screen shot is just FPSC stock. Its amazing what a little quality lighting can do!!! Thanx for comments.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 13:54
I'm in love with your screenies!*hugs screenies*

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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 13:56

-The Human Takeovers- Coming Summer 2006
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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 14:15
Thanks guys!!! I'm working on this crazy idea I had. I dont want to give to much away but it involves a destructable ceiling.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 14:45

-The Human Takeovers- Coming Summer 2006
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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 21:16
Hows development going NIK?

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Posted: 21st Feb 2006 23:18
Gimme demo! That game looks soooooooo awesome! If your selling it what would the price be?

I'm getting FPS Creator soon. Hope I can put cut-scenes in!
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2006 05:00

Development is going really good, but the problem is I always find something that I can improve.

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2006 20:15
Testing final version.

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2006 20:24

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2006 21:39
Sweet! By final version I trust that you are hinting that the demo is coming out soon?

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2006 22:23
Yep. It will probably be coming today.(No promises though)
This is my first level, although it's looking even better than
I expected. I've added some things that I'm pretty sure have never
been done in FPSC.

@Gamz - I heard there is a "light flicker" script, if true
I would appreiate it if you could help me find.

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2006 22:55 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2006 23:00
Heres one of the threads with a good one-go to the bottom were Merranvo and Conjured added some changes.

Edit: Sorry thats the light pulse script..I'd help you fdind the flicker script but I got to go now. Hope youfind it by tomorrow, if you don't I'll find it for you

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2006 23:38
Found it. Thanx

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2006 02:39
These are absolutely amazing. I hope the demo will come soon. Good luck with this project and i'm going to have to keep a eye on this lol

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2006 10:06
i have a good light flicker script.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2006 18:17
That last screenie was a killer aswell-I can;t WAIT for this demo

/.,.\-Meh? Everyone loves fat penguins!
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2006 23:03
Everyone thanx for your comments demo will be coming very soon. Right now I'm having trouble with an error on FPSC. I hear alot of people are having the same problem. (It's that runtime error) I am going to try to release demo tonight if everything works out.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2006 05:56
I'm in need of a demo tester. If anyone is interested please post. Thanx!!!

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Posted: 24th Feb 2006 12:56
I can test your demo.

-Stavros the Zombie Slayer- Coming Summer 2006
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Posted: 24th Feb 2006 17:41
same here I will test

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Posted: 24th Feb 2006 18:26
And me

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Posted: 24th Feb 2006 18:35
Me too!

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Posted: 24th Feb 2006 23:50
I will

I will test it

Can i ask somethin will we get the full version befor anybody else

Just add the file to filefront send me the address and i will download the demo ASAP

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Opus Games
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Posted: 25th Feb 2006 00:07
Those screenshots look amazing, I'm just starting to get to grips with FPSC but it's nice to see it being pushed and what it can do.

I'd be more than happy to test it for you and if you need a mirror for the demo download I'd be happy to sort that out too.

Good luck, I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2006 09:22
Everyone I'm just going to release it so screw the demo tester. It should be posted at the most half an hour.
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Posted: 25th Feb 2006 09:46
Great, just hope i have the specs to run it, looks like some killer light effects.


Origin says i'm l33t

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Posted: 25th Feb 2006 09:50
Well if you can't run it then tell me and I will also post a medium quality version.
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Posted: 25th Feb 2006 09:54
Running final test..........
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Posted: 25th Feb 2006 11:56
That is good i will download it asap

I cant download it yet because im at my dads but when i get to the library in town i will download it

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Posted: 25th Feb 2006 20:46
Quote: "but when i get to the library in town i will download it


They let you download software onto library computers were you live? SWEET! I got thrown out for that in my library...hunt for Osama demo...

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Posted: 26th Feb 2006 11:25
HURRY UP and just post HIGH quality Medium Quality then LOW QUALITY we will find one that works so just post the game it looks a lovly game but it gonna be even more delayed if you waste time like that

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Posted: 26th Feb 2006 11:28
Hehehehe i dont think your allowed but screw them it dont let you download viruses but i dont any way but i just download every day because it is fast and well not reliable (The Stupid Net Keeps Going Down) it is yeovil library

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