All code has been removed........
Edit - Works in DarkBASIC Classic(v1.0)
`Encoder Example
`By Jonathan Skinner
dim nums(3)
nums(0) = 7634773
nums(1) = 67476347
nums(2) = 81818181
nums(3) = 272717171
dim words$(1)
words$(0) = "jhasdjhjadfjkasdfjasdjk"
words$(1) = "ahajahsge3712uaah"
newnum1$ = bin$(nums(0))
newnum2$ = bin$(nums(1))
newnum3$ = bin$(nums(2))
newnum4$ = bin$(nums(3))
wordval = val(words$(0))
wordval2 = val(words$(1))
strword1$ = bin$(wordval)
strword2$ = bin$(wordval2)
if file exist("encodedfile.ini") = 1 then delete file "encodedfile.ini"
open to write 1,"encodedfile.ini"
write string 1,strword1$
write string 1,strword2$
write string 1,newnum1$
write string 1,newnum2$
write string 1,newnum3$
write string 1,newnum4$
close file 1
open to read 1,"encodedfile.ini"
read string 1,read1$
read string 1,read2$
read string 1,read3$
read string 1,read4$
read string 1,read5$
read string 1,read6$
if read1$ = strword1$ then Print words$(0)
if read2$ = strword2$ then Print words$(1)
if read3$ = newnum1$ then Print nums(0)
if read4$ = newnum2$ then Print nums(1)
if read5$ = newnum3$ then Print nums(2)
if read6$ = newnum4$ then Print nums(3)
wait key
`Code is pretty much useless
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