I figuerd out how to get real dynamic shadows on entity objects like in Doom3!! Looks great makes everything look more real and beats the stoopid circle blob under the objects.
This is all you have to do:
1.Go to were you store your FPS.
2.Open your FPS "floder" in your Program Files.
3.Click on the file named Setup.
4.Read the third option down, should say dynamicshadows=0.
5.Change this to dynamicshadows=1.
Then run one of your games and see the amazing shadows!!!!
Why this was not defult set to 1 you got me.
This is difrent then having the Dynamic box checked in the build options! That is for shadowing on the onject itself which is different!
Good Luck whith your super good looking game! Don't call me a noob if everyone already knew about this lol.
-Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die.