I just finished a playbasic programming competition. The theme is retro 8 bit or 16 bit atari or commadore classic remakes. My team and I have chosen to remake the infamouse Dig Dug. If you haven't played it, I seriousely suggest downloading it for MAME. (make sure you get dig dug 1, #2 sucks) They also released a remake called "dig dug: digging strike" for the DS.
the team:
Noah Duncan; AKA BugBoy - Programming
Daniel Fessler; AKA Indigo, Calypson - Art & additional programming
Danny Rogers; AKA Moose - Music & Sound FX
if your interested in the compo:
Original Game Screen:
(platform: Namco Galaga Arcade machine)
the art was way rushed - could have been alot better, but i ran out of time - great game none-the-less
also the coding was quite rushed as well so there are a few bugs.
we added alot of stuff that the original didn't have such as...
- vertical scrolling screen
- particle effects
- screen shakes
- multi tile large falling objects
- better AI (implimented A* pathfinding)
- 5 worlds 3 lvls per world
worlds include
lvl1 - Roswell, Newmexico
lvl2 - Amazon Jungle
lvl3 - New York City, New York
lvl4 - Underwater Atlantis
lvl5 - Quazon, Andromeda System (alien home planet)
have fun and post feedback
www.calypson.batcave.net (Under Construction)
Calypson - aka Indigo @ art forums