Looks at Wyatts Game...
No actual game footage of the high end models. (Note: If something drops the FPS down to 20 just by putting it in, it is not worth it). And 2D 3D textures. (That means you just made a texture for a 3D Cube and are atempting to make it look like a 3D object while it still is 2D on the cube)
Please don't insult someone elses work. Even if you had the perfect game it still wouldn't be justified. To me, it is okay, a nice start. He may not have shaded the textures, but he DID make new textures. A/O media.
We already had one redocktober we don't need another one.
Merranvo, The Cool One
Noob Justice League, Cause We Have More Fun
Support Merra XJ9, cause the name is cooler.