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Program Announcements / Retro Competition Entry - Circus

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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 16:56
My competition entry - Atari Circus from the old Atari 2600 VCS system back in the late 1970's.

A bit like Breakout, you have to pop the balloons at the top of the screen by bouncing the clowns up into the air with the seesaw.

Move the seesaw with the cursor keys, flip it around with the Space Bar and launch the clown with the Shift key.

It's not fully optimised yet, but if you get poor performance, please post your fps here, along with your system specs.

Download: (1.3MB)


PS: Please don't give away the intro 'surprise' in your post - it spoils it for those who haven't played the game yet! Thanks.
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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 17:53
Cool! Great music

I especially like the 'suprise'

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Posted: 16th Mar 2003 05:28
Program now finished and latest version uploaded! (Includes optimisation and a mode for lower spec PC's). (1.25MB - Back to the days when you could fit a full game onto a single floppy!!!)

What's your best score?

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Posted: 16th Mar 2003 05:39
100. Excellent game. I really like it - so basic its fun ! Great job.

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Posted: 16th Mar 2003 12:04
Love`d it. I had the original, totally senseless but fun all the same.

Dark Basic Pro drove me to drink, I really should E-mail them to say thanks.
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Posted: 16th Mar 2003 16:13
Sweet game, the intro was cool also. Well done!

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Posted: 17th Mar 2003 21:19
Hehehe Very nice, Love the sound effects and music .The oohs and ahhs as my clown pulled off a somersault was very amusing(but maybe thats just me) . Only thing was when the music changed my fps dropped from a steady 58 to 13 for a few seconds and one of the clowns dropped to his death .Might just be my dodgy comp. Great game though

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Posted: 17th Mar 2003 21:21
oops you asked for specs

512meg DDR 333
Albatron Kx400-8x mobo
Geforce2mx while my GF4600ti gets fixed yet again

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Andy Igoe
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Posted: 18th Mar 2003 02:02
Very funny title, although a little too easy to play. Highly polished. Overall a noteworthy game for DarkBASIC.

I saw the screenie then saw the "It's not fully optimised yet, but if you get poor performance, please post your fps here, along with your system specs." and so I downloaded it just to see how badly it was written, then I noticed the download site, matedit... and your user name - I couldn't believe it!. Thankfully the smoothness of the game more than made up for the blocky graphics

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Posted: 20th Mar 2003 03:12
Yes - I've had a few reports that it's too easy to play, so I've tweaked the gameplay to toughen it up a little bit. The problem is getting a balance between easiness and game length. If you play it long enough it does get faster and harder to play.

Besides, you are all probably only going to download and play it to test it - for which I'm grateful - though quite understandably you aren't going to play it for long are you? Maybe five minutes - ten at tops, so you would not have got to see how the game gradually gets faster and more difficult.

If I made it rock hard after two minutes of play, then most people would have very short games and get bored with it very quickly!

You need to build up your extra lives in the early stages when it's slow as later on you'll need them.

Anyone who says it's too easy after scoring 10,000 points or more I can take seriously. If anyone still thinks it's too easy, please let me know how long your game lasted before you nodded off (zzzzzzzzz), and what score you got.


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