yeah but garage isn't identicallly garage within french... alot of english is based upon the european languages, parts of Latin, French, German, Norsk - and well whatever we use oftenly sound "similar" but changed to fit our sense of speech better.
With stuff suchas colour i don't understand that, pronounced the same ... just seems like a lazy way to steal a word.
But then again those foreign words that english is based upon are because before we had NO word for it,not simply because we like it ... and technically the americans calling trousers - pants is closer to the french pantaloons which is where we got the word from
however not really ever noticed perfectly used other language synomins - i can understand the Latin because right up until 100years ago it was still basically a second language for the Rich and Religious.
I mean just because we don't speak it anymore doesn't mean we won't use the terms which have really been set by christianity.
And hey mouse... i've only heard honest, but then again i was told when i was skill back in the uk - humble really isn't a well used word there
Holy jumping mother of god NOOOO!!!...