Well, this is my first larger 'game.' All comments welcome. However, please remember that this is really my first attempt at a larger game so please don't over critsize. Well, here are the instructions for the game:
ObjectiveTo earn as much money as you can
ControlsLeft control= enter store.
'a','b',or'c' when in store = buy that item.
'F1' set new bake time
'F2' set new bake temperature
'1' cook whatever is in inventory space #1(At the current time/temperature)
'2' cook whatever is in inventory space #2(At the current time/temperature)
'3' cook whatever is in inventory space #3(At the current time/temperature)
'return'(or 'enter' depending on keyboard) return to main playing screen. Please note that when you are setting cooking time or temperature you must press enter 2 to 3 when you are finished so that you return to main screen and all the numbers reappear.
something uploaded wrong it only gives you a picture....I'll try to fix it.
"THere is no spoon"