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Program Announcements / Tempest - A peer-to-peer UDP multiplayer plugin - Free release

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Posted: 17th Nov 2006 23:42 Edited at: 17th Nov 2006 23:44
Strange, are you running the host on a seperate machine from the client? Also, it might help for me to see some code. By the way, does the LAN search example work for you?

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Jay Bee
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Posted: 18th Nov 2006 00:53
The LAN search example was what I was using, over Hamachi the client was a seperate machine, though I wasn't expecting Hamachi to work, just it might've been handy. I also tried host and client as the same machine (ie running multiple instances of the program) which I'm assuming is the problem?

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Posted: 18th Nov 2006 02:31
So it's not working on the local computer, regular LAN, or through Hamachi? It sounds like a firewall is blocking the clients' requests.

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Jay Bee
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Posted: 18th Nov 2006 19:27
I havent tested a regular lan with 2 different machines yet, that may well work. It might just not like lanning between multiple instances of the program on one computer. I'll test it with my laptop and get back to you.

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Posted: 19th Nov 2006 13:51
Quote: "It might just not like lanning between multiple instances of the program on one computer."

It should usually work, although Windows Firewall will usually block traffic the first time until you tell it not to. Are you running any firewall (even Windows Firewall)?

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Jay Bee
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Posted: 20th Nov 2006 17:53 Edited at: 21st Nov 2006 03:05
I'm not running windows firewall, I'm using zone alarm (which I have told to not block the program).

EDIT: OK I tried turning the firewall off completely for LAN, that didnt work, so I just shut down zone alarm all together. It still doesn't want to work.

This is the log file it created:
Quote: "
Tempest v1.0 Free Release

[02:00:28] Attempting to host...

Name : Host
Local IP Address: ?.?.?.?
Remote IP Address: ?.?.?.?
Local Port: 3999
Remote Port: ?

[02:00:28] Game started

[02:00:28] Game successfully registered

Could it be anything to do with all those question marks?

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Posted: 24th Nov 2006 16:03
Quote: "Could it be anything to do with all those question marks?"


This is certainly a very strange problem. I think you should probably try getting the client to join just by entering the IP in TJoin to help narrow down the problem.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2006 16:09 Edited at: 24th Nov 2006 16:11
hey benjamin. I think theres something screwy with my computer.. or my router...

When i try to run your example program (i open it twice on the same computer, using for both) it does the same thing that my other programs do. They run fine, and you can see the peoples nicknames up in the corner, and you can see the other persons cube sitting there, but you cant see it move.... it always stays in one spot.

any ideas?

I dont know if you need it, but heres the code.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2006 16:23
Quote: "any ideas?"

Could be a firewall issue. Disable it and try again. I think Windows Firewall can do stuff like this.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2006 16:58 Edited at: 24th Nov 2006 16:59
No.. i have windows firewall and all my anti virus struff turned off.

here is a pic of whats happening:

here is a pic of my router settings:

i think i portforwarded everything right, and i made sure i set my computer as a static IP.
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Posted: 24th Nov 2006 21:06
If you're trying to host and join on the same computer, then your router has nothing to do with it. Put TSetDebugMode 255 before THost/TJoin, test again, and send me the resulting logs.

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lower logic
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Posted: 25th Nov 2006 01:04
Benjamin, this plugin is really easy to use and works great. I'm using it in my RTS so I'll definately include you and mention this plugin in the credits.
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Posted: 25th Nov 2006 15:44 Edited at: 25th Nov 2006 15:45
i have the same problem temuchan has, no transferring exept for the name seems to happen...

and do i have to post the WHOLE log???

these are the last few lines, the whole log is exactly 34766 lines..

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 1

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 2

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 5(NoMsg)

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 1

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 2

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 5(NoMsg)

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) Sent to 3999 with flags of 0 and ID of 0 and size of 19

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 1

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 2

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 5(NoMsg)

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 1

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 2

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 5(NoMsg)

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 1

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 2

[15:43:59] (DL: 2) GetMessage(): 5(NoMsg)

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Posted: 25th Nov 2006 19:02
Quote: "and do i have to post the WHOLE log???"

And do you have to leave the program running for so long that it generates a gigantic log? Not really. Unfortunately what you showed me doesn't indicate anything. My suggestion is to run the program very quickly, and then ZIP up the logs together and attach them to a post.

Quote: "Benjamin, this plugin is really easy to use and works great"

It's comments like this that encourage me to work harder, thank you.

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Posted: 26th Nov 2006 09:26
Here comes, left it running for just one second.. (after connecting ofcourse)


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Posted: 1st Dec 2006 15:27 Edited at: 1st Dec 2006 22:21
I'm afraid I have no idea what the problem could be, other than perhaps a firewall/anti virus program you may have missed.

1. What operating system are you running on?

2. Which DBP patch are you using?

3. Which example are you trying?

4. Are you using the latest version of Tempest?

Try using the attached example instead.

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The admiral
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2006 04:40
Any tips for optimising your multiplayer experience?

The admiral
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2006 13:41
Quote: "Any tips for optimising your multiplayer experience?"

Most optimisations are genre-specific to be honest, the one general rule you can go by however is put more data in fewer packets, rather than less data in many packets.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2006 18:26
1. XP SP2

2. 6.3

3. The example with the 2 cubes..

4. i think i am, ye

btw, that example works fine, exept that it crashes after about 10 sec

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2006 23:26
That's good, to some extent. For me to find the point of the crash you'll need to run the example with full logging turned on. I have attached an updated EXE with this [url=]here[/url].

Note that the logs will be absolutely massive, so make sure you close the remaining EXE after one has crashed. You'll also probably be wanting to make a ZIP/RAR of them.

Tempest - P2P UDP Multiplayer Plugin (DBP/DBCe)
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The admiral
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2006 00:41
My rpg is small groups in game for multiplayer so about 8 people over the net and maybe up to 30 for lan. I did manage to create a bit of optimisation though myself.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2006 17:19
Well theres a bad thing and a good thing, ill start with the good one, The example you gave me doesn't seem to crash no more. The bad thing, the example that i compiled doesn't crash no more either () but it still doesn't receive anything..

the plugin i got in my user's dir is exactly the same as the one on the first page..

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Posted: 4th Dec 2006 18:32
Quote: "The bad thing, the example that i compiled doesn't crash no more either"

Er.. it didn't crash before though, did it?

Anyway, with the example I attached in the last post, does sending/receiving work properly?

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Chris Nottm
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Posted: 7th Dec 2006 13:27
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for this plugin - it's brilliant. I had problems with the DarkBasic multiplayer commands, and downloaded your plugin, and now everything is great.

Just a quick question - what is the maximum number of people who can join a game?
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Posted: 7th Dec 2006 18:33
Ye, everything works fine with the precompiled example you posted, my own compilations still can't seem to send/rcv packets though..

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Posted: 8th Dec 2006 03:25 Edited at: 8th Dec 2006 03:43
Quote: "Hi, just wanted to say thanks for this plugin - it's brilliant. I had problems with the DarkBasic multiplayer commands, and downloaded your plugin, and now everything is great."

I'm glad you like it.

Quote: "Just a quick question - what is the maximum number of people who can join a game?"

63 not including the host.

Quote: "Ye, everything works fine with the precompiled example you posted, my own compilations still can't seem to send/rcv packets though..

Right, well I'll clear up the current version and upload it sometime soon.

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2006 04:30 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2006 04:33
edit: Augh, nevermind, I didnt have the ()...

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Posted: 19th Jan 2007 05:03
Hey, Ben. This is great! Where can I buy your full version?
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Posted: 19th Jan 2007 14:01
Thanks. There is currently no full version as such, I plan to keep updating this and probably will not make a commercial version, due to another plugin I'm developing that I do plan to be commercial.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2007 19:43
Quote: "After almost a year of on-and-off development(and still developing) I have decided to release a free version of my multiplayer plugin. It is fully functional and there are no time restrictions. The difference between this and the commercial version is that the latter will have extra command sets and security features such as encryption and passwording."

Then you should probably remove this from your first post.
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2007 07:49

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Posted: 24th Jan 2007 16:57

J'avais abandonné mon projet quelques temps, entre deux j'ai eu des problèmes de modem, j'ai du le changer...
Or là j'ai un nouveau projet en cours, et maintenant plus rien ne marche ...

Je lance le serveur, je met mon IP et pouf le jeu s'étein !
Pourtant j'ai ouvert les ports ect...

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 00:58 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2007 01:02
well, i was having lots of fun with this dll (very easy to use, runs fast, got two players running around with sliding collision very easily), until i tried to host outside of my network...

i can't get past my router. I've tried all sorts of things, such as attempting to set up a static IP address, though i couldn't quite get that to work. i found my DNS servers correctly, but something in my other settings (IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway) must have been wrong (i couldn't connect to the internet unless i made it automatically find those. I could leave the DNS servers in there that i found as they were correct)

any ideas? or should i just forget trying to host behind a router... (best would be if it's solvable inside the code, because then users with a router wouldn't have to manually mess with everything... but i'm pretty sure it's not so i'm not expecting it to be)

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 01:06
Did you set up port forwarding and disable any firewalls?

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 04:49 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2007 16:26
well i know the firewall was disabled. but i couldn't figure out how to forward ports with my router. i've done it before, but i can't find the option on my router's "website" (

if i did manage to find it, what port/s would i forward for tempest?

[edit] nvm i found the port numbers in the manual, now to figure out why i can't find the option for forwarding ports on my router

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 17:58
Check, it gives instructions for setting up port forwarding with just about every router in existence.

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 18:39 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2007 18:40
yeah, that's what i've been using. I posted on their forums about my router not having the option for port forwarding...

here's the screen shot of my router settings...
(it's not in connection configuration fo sure)

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 20:36
Quote: "I posted on their forums about my router not having the option for port forwarding..."

Have you actually checked to see if your router is in the list on that site?

Also, what's in the advanced tab?

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 20:48 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2007 23:40
Yep i looked at my router on there.

[EDIT] whoa! i was in the totally wrong place, i was looking at, and since it worked i assumed it was my router... but my router is really ROFL

[editLAST] ok, it's working fine now, i got flindiana to join a server

Thank you for the plugin, it's a lot simpler to use than i was expecting, and is plenty efficient enough for a game

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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 16:50
When I run the example, in the code, maxplayers is set to 10, but I can only connect one player to the host (using the loopback address)

Also, if the host disconnects, will the other players remain connected?

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Posted: 8th Mar 2007 09:32
Hey Benjamin,

First of all I would like to tell you that this is a great plug-in. Ok now on to my problem (sorry if it was spoken about already, its quite lengthy here). Well I have an idea that this problem is caused by routers but im not sure why. The problem is that when I host a game and have people with routers and no routers connect I can see all the players but the people with routers only see me and the people without routers see everyone but the ones with routers. Ive tried asking one of them to try that portforwarding out but had no luck. I would think if it were a router problem no one would be able to see the person on the router but that doesnt seem to be the case here. Any help would be appreciated.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2007 18:55
This is the main problem with peer to peer communications these days, routers. I think the problem in this case is that the players need to forward port 3998, whereas the host forwards port 3999. Try that and see if it helps.

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Posted: 12th Mar 2007 08:35

I tried out the portforwarding but that seemed to do nothing, however enabling the dmz did the trick. Is there a way to get this to work with routers without all this trouble?
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Posted: 12th Mar 2007 08:52
Not in Tempest (for now). There are methods that exist for getting around this problem, but none are 100% reliable. I shall be implementing some of these methods in Tempest sometime on the future however.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2007 17:59
Hey Ben!

Could you make so if the hoster leaves the player who have joined earlier than other players becomes automatically hoster so then we could use command like

This also prevents lag because you dont have to send some messages to every player what you could only send to hoster..

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Posted: 19th Mar 2007 18:34
Quote: "Yep i looked at my router on there.

[EDIT] whoa! i was in the totally wrong place, i was looking at, and since it worked i assumed it was my router... but my router is really ROFL

[editLAST] ok, it's working fine now, i got flindiana to join a server

Thank you for the plugin, it's a lot simpler to use than i was expecting, and is plenty efficient enough for a game"

Aww, I could never get that to work. I was told also by someone that it's impossible to work for me because I have DSL.

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Posted: 25th Mar 2007 09:51
Hey Ben, Once again great plugin, the bug I was having when I was using it a while ago seems to be gone upon my return, however I do have a question. I noticed you said you were going to release another version which would do the NAT router configuration for you, Is that close to happening yet?

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Posted: 25th Mar 2007 18:05
Not particularly close, no. I've been concentrating on Multisync recently, trying to add NAT traversal to that.

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Sven B
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Posted: 6th Apr 2007 17:48
I have been using Tempest for a little now. But could someone get me some details in which cases the program crashes?

I made a game and tested it succesfully, but the game often crashes with a "Had to close" and "don't send" window.

I can't seem to figure out where or why this happens.

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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 09:02
One of the reasons it can happen is if you try to read a string when you should be reading a different data type.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
Multisync V1 (DBP/DBCe)

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