Hello everyone, sorry I haven't replied in a while, been busy completing the new version of gameDentity, marketing and loads of other stuff, anyway, gameDentity has now been officially updated from v1.00ee to v1.00 and includes the following new features:
Copied from first post:
Quote: "User Profile music, free sample sounds, Info status bar, Import/Export (Load/Backup as mm0zct & Supremacy somewhat requested), shortcut to browse gameDentity directory, updated Help + Screenies, a nice selection of bug kills and more..."
Get more info on gameDentity from top post or website (both of which have been updated), thanks in advance!
Website: http://www.applications.eternalsyndrome.com/products/gameDentity/index.html
@Supremacy: Basically, to use gameDentity in all it's glory on other machines you have two options
1. Retrieve your license on the other machine
2. Get 2+ licenses (which is heavily discounted for with portability in mind.)
I may be changing the price and multi license discounts to make this even easier then it already is, in any case, if for instance, it's decided that you get 2 licenses for the standard price, you'll probably qualify for that free license later on (don't hold me to this though, i'm speaking off thought, we'll see what happens next update)
Regarding a whole online system thing, sounds like another project all together, although if your offering, i won't complain, perhaps features in exchange for product
Although i think a nice feature would be a ftp upload/download function (as suggested by mm0zct), but i think i'd need some kinda virtual directory viewer.
regarding the ftp idea as said above
Quote: "nice feature would be a ftp upload/download function (as suggested by mm0zct), but i think i'd need some kinda virtual directory viewer."
But, i do have a new feature that makes it easy to export/import your game/user profiles anywhere to/from your hard-drive! But this function is in beta (because of the copy_directory function i believe) so test it out and let me know.
Leroy Frederick - Director / Lead Designer - ETERNAL SYNDROME™ ONLINE: www.ETERNALSYNDROME.com - “Play Your Emagination!”™