Area 51, i like your pack,because i love the WWII period.
You pack is very beautiful.
Now you can try my WWII pack.It contains some pictures similars to yours, and an italian"Zona militare:divieto di accesso"(military zone:no entry)entity.You can put it on the walls.
Another thing:in the pictures folder of my pack there is a"camp"image.In this image there is an old lamp on a red circle(signed by me).Now are you able to create an old lamp as that in the circle? That lamp was used on the sreets of city of WWII period(in my city,Taranto,there are any again).
It is very important for the WWII scenarios.
I'm making a WWII game.My dream is to create a game as Medal of Honour(for me Frontline is the best).I'm not so good to create a fine texture scenarios but,when the first level of my game is ready to be played,i'll put it to freedownload for the FPS community.
Once you have tried my pack, tell me what you think of it.Excuse me for my bad enghlish.