Has anyone ever played "Kingdom Hearts" before? If so please reply to this question, though any help is greatly apreciated
How would i construct an engine like Kingdom Heart's Engine? that seems like i'm just asking out of the blue trying to make a game based soly off of someone elses source code. so this is what i have down or somewhat based on it (this is not true source code, rather based on the lines of)
sync rate 60
draw to front
'Prepare the players animations etc...
load bitmap "loading.bmp"
load object "player_static.x",1
append object "player_walk.x",1,1
append object "player_run.x",1,2
append object "player_attack1.x",1,3
append object "player_attack2.x",1,4
append object "player_attack3.x",1,5
append object "player_jump.x",1,6
append object "player_hitweak.x",1,7
append object "player_hitave.x",1,8
append object "player_hitstrong.x",1,9
append object "player_die.x",1,10
append object "player_jumpattack.x",1,11
append object "player_jumphit.x",1,12
append object "player_jumpcast.x",1,13
append object "player_cast.x",1,14
append object "player_talk.x",1,15
append object "player_shrug.x",1,16
append object "player_idle.x",1,17
load object "enemy1_static.x",2
append object "enemy1_move.x",2,1
append object "enemy1_attack.x",2,2
append object "enemy1_impact.x",2,3
append object "enemy1_die.x",2,4
append object "enemy1_idle.x",2,5
load object "world1.x",3
load bitmap "health_back.bmp",1
position object 1,500,60,800
position object 2,400,40,1000
position object 3,-30,500,-80
set object collisions on 3
play object 1,17
'The movement system
if upkey()=1 then move object 10 : play object 1,2
if upkey()=0 then play object 1,17
if downkey()=1 then move object -5 : play object 1,1
if downkey()=0 then play object 1,17
if leftkey()=1 then turn object left 1,2 : play object 1,1
if leftkey()=0 then play object 1,17
if rightkey()=1 then turn object right 1,2 : play object 1,1
if rightkey()=0 then play object 1,17
if spacekey()=1 then play object 1,3
if spacekey()=0 then play object 1,17
if returnkey()=1 then gosub _pause
if shiftkey()=1 then play object 1,6
if hit object 1,2 then gosub _enemyatk1
'gosub labels
'check to see if key held down at start
if returnkey()=1 then wait 0050
goto _pause2
'allow enter key to be pressed
center text 320,240,"PAUSED"
until returnkey()=1
'wait until enterkey is released so pause doesnt repeat
center text 320,240,"PAUSED"
until returnkey()=0
'adding source code, no need for help with this
the rest is where i get lost, except, i know how to make the health bar variable to increase and decrease unless health has reached its max, and i know how to work with stats, ex:
ehealth# - patk# if ehealth# = 0 then gosub _enemydie
so i can work with variables, but i cant work on saving or a battle system like kingdom hearts. That is where i need help
Thanx all! I was browsing the web in another server as i was writing this so sorry if it might not make sense.
DarkSONIC -signatures change quickly...