can you show me how to do that? i'm still a newbie
the game code:
cls RGB(0,0,0)
ink RGB(255,255,255),RGB(0,0,0)
set text size 40
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2,"LIQUIDPONG"
set text size 10
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2+50,"press any key when ready"
wait key
rem player1
make object box 1,1,1,3
color object 1,RGB(0,128,0)
rem player2
make object box 2,1,1,3
color object 2,RGB(232,0,0)
rem ball
make object sphere 3,1
rem campo
make object plain 4,14,8
xrotate object 4,90
position object 4,0,-0.5,0
color object 4,RGB(0,128,192)
rem camera
position camera 0,0,10,10
point camera 0,0,0,0
rem position objects
position object 1,7.5,0,0
position object 2,-7.5,0,0
position object 3,0,0,0
yrotate object 3,70+rnd(100)
rem main loop
rem fps count
text 10,10,"Liquid Pong - alpha version"
text 10,30,"fps: "+str$(screen fps())
rem player control
if upkey()=1 and object position z(1) > -4 then position object 1,7.5,0,object position z(1)-0.1
if downkey()=1 and object position z(1) < 4 then position object 1,7.5,0,object position z(1)+0.1
rem ball movement
move object 3,0.05
rem ball bouncing
rem racchette
if object collision(1,3)=1 and object position x(3) < 7.1 then yrotate object 3,-object angle y(3)
if object collision(2,3)=1 and object position x(3) > -7.1 then yrotate object 3,-object angle y(3)
rem bordi campo
if object position z(3) < -4 then yrotate object 3,180-object angle y(3)
if object position z(3) > 4 then yrotate object 3,180-object angle y(3)
rem cpu control
if object position z(3) < object position z(2) then position object 2,-7.5,0,object position z(2)-0.0121
if object position z(3) > object position z(2) then position object 2,-7.5,0,object position z(2)+0.0121
rem game over
if object position x(3) > 9 then do
set text size 40
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2,"GAME OVER"
set text size 10
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2+50,"ESC to quit"
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2+70,"ENTER to retry"
if RETURNKEY()=1 then goto start
rem you win
if object position x(3) < -9 then do
set text size 40
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2,"YOU WIN!"
set text size 10
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2+50,"ESC to quit"
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2+70,"ENTER to retry"
if RETURNKEY()=1 then goto start
i'm a n00b