@ Olby:
That list sounds good!
I also thought about something to get the supported EAX-Version, cause as far as I know the buid-in chipset-sound-chips from Realtek (maybe also others) support only EAX-2.0 and the Creative-add-in-cards up to EAX-5? (don't know what the highest Version actually is)!
I actually don't know why it could be usefull to know the Version, but as an info in your config-screen this might be a nice point to show up! (Looks more professional!
AUDIO GET EAX_VERSION() = returns the actually highest supported EAX-Version. (2 or 4 or whatever)
AMD 64X2 4800+ (939); 2GB; GF 6800LE (@12PS, 6VS; 380 MHz, RAM: 434 MHz)
DP-Sw-Mode-Comp-Entry (updated to V. 1.2):