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Program Announcements / [LOCKED] help(couldnt find any other place for this)

the necron wolf
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Joined: 17th Feb 2006
Location: Necrontyr
Posted: 14th Mar 2006 02:01
sorry but how come when ever I click a link to an older made game in this forum it never works, it just says page could not be found, or somethin like that, im getting frustrated
Years of Service
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Joined: 2nd Oct 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 14th Mar 2006 05:49
Oh hello, you must be new to the Internet.

You see, as you may not know, putting a file on the Internet will often cost you money for hosting. Especially a big file. People have to pay for web space and may use free online uploaders, which over time, EXPIRE. You may have gone to an expired link. Nothing on the Internet is permanent. Files don't exist forever. And while getting frustrated may make your mother give you sympathy, it probably won't solve the problem that the link is broken.

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