Hello fellow forumites. I've been lurking in the shadows for some time (posting here and there) and I've come to a point in which I've a question to be asked.
Firstly, I just recently purchased the game and after spending some "alone time" with the manual and searching these forums, I still remain confused over a few elements concerning lighting effects.
I understand the concepts of the three variants of lighting settings but one in particular I have problems with...
[B]No Lightmaps[/B] - This seems pretty self-explanatory to me. No problems here.
[B]Soft Lightmaps[/B] - I understand this one as well.
[B]Full Shadow Lightmaps[/B] - Okay, this is where I run into a few problems. It is my assumption that the only difference between
"Soft Lightmaps" and "Full Shadow Lightmaps" is that entities do or do not cast shadows respectively. However, my chief concern is the nature of this setting. My computer specs are well within the limit of the game, yet it does not proceed past "creating lightmaps" when this option is selected. I am aware that it takes significantly longer (even hours at times) with this setting chosen, but my real question is if this affects load time when the .exe is built and is being played. If so, it would hardly seem practical to ever use this choice, and thus I'm urged to ponder why it's even there to begin with. However, I may indeed be missing something that I'm not aware of. If so, feel free to correct me.
My last question resides in the option of "Dynamic Shadows". I'd like certain areas of my game to be completely dark but the most I can achieve is a dark grey lighting. I assume that this has something to do with the "Dynamic Shadows" setting but whenever I choose this option certain textures are a bit distorted and the walls of my level are completely gone. While I suspect this may be a glitch (and forgive me if it is, as I know of the forum dedicated to [I]FPSC[/I] bugs) is there instead something that I'm missing; perhaps some other setting that would fix my problem?
I realize that this post is a bit long-winded and for that I apologize. But any help any of you forum-goers could offer as to your personal suggestions as to how to handle lighting settings would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.