Hello all!
Ever since switching from Multisync to Tempest, I have been delighted as Tempest has many useful features, including ping time out etc.
However, there have been a few bugs...but I have found a few solutions!
BUG 1: Only 2 Players on one server/Failing to connect if 2 Players are on a server
Cause: No receiving port/port range on client
Solution: When connecting as client, use this code:
TSetLocalPort 2000,2000+(MaxPlayers)
Explanation: You need to set a port to receive on. However, because there are more than 2 players, you need to have a
port range, so choose a port number that won't interfere with other internet apps (I choose port number 2000). Then, you need to make the port range so it can support all your players - so you do WHATEVER-PORT-NUMBER-YOU-CHOOSE+MAXIMUM PLAYERS. For host, I don't think you need to bother.
BUG 2: Silent crashing after a few seconds of gameplay
Cause: Data is trying to be received, but it does not exist.
Solution: Check your sending and receiving code.
For example, your code could be doing this:
TPutByte myvariable
Notice that there is 2 "TGetByte()"s. Make sure that your code does not try to receive non-existant data. "Othervariable" will work fine, "somevariable" won't.
BUG 3: Failing to connect
Cause: Firewall setting perhaps?
Solution: If using a firewall that has mutiple settings of security, set it to medium.
These are the bugs I have encountered so far and these are just my solutions. I doesn't mean it will necessarily work for you - so please don't flame me!
Hope you find this useful,
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